  • 期刊


Marketing Strategy for Internationalization of Tourism Development in Ping-Tung County


屏東縣既有瑰麗的自然景觀,遼闊的士地和秀麗的山水,更蘊含有原住民、客家、平埔、河洛、新住民等族多樣性化。我們極願意與全國、全世界的朋友分享這塊瑰麗的山光水色、人文資源,我們用心地規劃構建成親山、親水、親半島及親平原的無限價值的養生之鄉。一年四季屏東觀光縣現出自然、多樣性風貌,當你在驚豔屏東之美時,不妨親自來一趟悠遊屏東陽光之旅。 屏東縣政府結合觀光、文化、生態教育、農漁特産等推出一連串推展活動,包括「春遊」屏東黑鮪魚文化觀光季、「夏戲」民俗遊戲、「秋藝」屏東半島藝術季、「冬悸」墾丁風鈴季及其他搭配産業型、族群型活動、觀光生態型等系列活動。希望帶領大家來一趟屏東豐富之旅,將屏東的好山、好水、好風土及好人情推至全國各地,展現在國際。 屏東縣在加強觀光資訊推廣及觀光發展國際化行銷做法推廣活動國際化、觀光宣傳資料外語化、解說服務訓練、參與各項國際旅展等;在行銷觀光業務方面將朝(一)應用宣導媒體,建立觀光地區形象;(二)全劃推廣活動二大方向予以落實及推廣。 因此,未來屏東縣觀光國際化行銷之主要目標及策略將從(一)發揚固有民俗文化與技藝,推展文化藝術觀光;(二)健全觀光行銷管道與資訊解說服務系統,朝觀光國際化發展;(三)改善觀光景點設施與管理系統,營造世界級旅遊環境與服務水準等三項著手,並分別訂定子策略。希望藉由上述之目標及策略,發展屏東成為優質觀光旅遊地,並使來屏東地區之國內外觀光遊客朝向千萬人次之目標,以配合中央觀光客倍增之目的。透過政府與民間業者的共識及力量,以「顧客導向」之思維、「套裝旅遊」之架構、「目標管理」之手段,有效地進行整合與推動,共同打造屏東為優質旅遊環境。


Pingtung County boasts of magnificent natural sights, spacious land and beautiful scenery, not to mention its abundance in the diversified culture of such tribes as Aboriginals, Hakka, Pingpu, Holo and New Inhabitants. We are extremely willing to share with friends throughout the nation and from all over the world this splendid landscape and the human resources. We make efforts in planning and constructing an invaluable county for healthy living by way of gaining access to mountain, river, peninsula and plain. For four seasons in a year, Tourism County Pingtung takes on natural and diversified looks. Whenever you are shocked by the beauty of Pingtung, just take a trip to this sunny city in your own person. In combination with tourism, culture, ecological education, agricultural and fishing products, Pingtung County Government presents a series of promotional activities, including ”Spring Tour” to Pingtung Toro Cultural Tourism Season, ”Summer Play” of Folk Games, ”Autumn Art” of Pingtung Peninusula Art Season and ”Winter Throb” of Kenting Wind-bell Feast as well as other serial activities of accompanying industry, tribe and tourist ecology type. It is hoped that we can guide everybody to take an abundant trip to Pingtung, from which the wonderful mountain, river, local customs and practices of Pingtung can be introduced to the whole nation and world. The ways how Pingtung County strengthens the promotion of the tourism Information and the marketing for internationalization of tourism development comprise the internationalization of the promotional activities, the foreign language orientation of information for tourism propaganda, training of interpretation service and participation in various international tour exhibition, etc. As far as the business of marketing tourism is concerned, the focus would be directed for further implementation and promotion towards (1) applying the promulgation media to build up the image of the tourism areas, (2) planning the promotional activities. Accordingly in the future the main target and strategy of the tourism internationalization marketing in Pingtung County will be undertaken in the following three ways: (1) to advocate the indigenous folk culture and craft and promote the cultural and artistic tourism, (2) to solidify the tourism marketing channels and information interpretation service systems for the internationalized development of tourism, (3) to improve the facilities and management systems of the tourist sights and create the world-class tour environment and service standards. In addition, the strategies have to be set up respectively. We anticipate that through the foregoing target and strategy, Pingtung can become an excellent sightseeing place, aiming at one billion time-persons of the domestic and overseas tourists in Pingtung Region in keeping with the objective of tourist multiplication set by the Central Government. By virtue of the consensus and strength between the government and the private dealers, lets effectively go on with integration and promotion and jointly construct Pingtung as a good-quality tourism environment, based on the ”customer-oriented” thinking, the ”packaged tourism” structure and the ”objective management” means.


