  • 期刊

Study on the Variation of Fishing Condition at Chiafong set-net Fishing Company





There was averagely 293 fishing operation days from 1996 to 2003 at Chiafong set-net fishing company, located in Hualien County, eastern coast of Taiwan. Analysis of the annual catch data by means of logbook collected in the 8 years; there were average 131 fish species were captured annually. The most species recorded was 162 in 2001 and the fewest recorded were 99 in 1997 and 1998. There are 26 dominant catch species, including 9 Scombridae, 4 Carangidae and 13 other Families. Most of them are migratory species along the coast. Annual catch production of these dominant species were comprised on average about 82.46% (78.35~87.32%) of yearly total catch. The Diversity index (H') was 1.16~1.63, while Index of Evenness (J') was 1.20~1.63. The mean (M), standard deviation (SD) and coefficient of variation (CV) of operating fiscal production depending on season during the eight-year period reveal that although the CV in spring is the biggest (0.5643), there are the most catches in spring. MDS analyses of monthly catch data revealed discrete species aggregations, and it can be divided into three groups, i.e., autumn group, winter group and spring group.
