  • 期刊


Economic Analysis on Agricultural Production Structure and Economic Cooperation Strategy between Mainland China and Taiwan


中國大陸幅員廣大,區域性農業生產差異大,海峽兩岸農產品的生產、消費與貿易特色迴異不同,在互惠的原則下,未來的農業經濟合作契機之正確切入點策略為何?且在落實交流合作策略之現階段執行步驟與方法上,臺灣所能提供的又是一個怎麼樣的一個藍圖?比比皆是當下值得審慎思慮的重要研究主題。本研究的主要目的,首先應用誘發性經濟發展理論(Induced Innovation Theory)為檢視工具,分析近三十年來海峽兩岸各別總體農業經濟發展(macro agricultural economic development)的決定因子;其次利用結構方程式模型,綜合模擬測試出,海峽兩岸的農業生產投入結構內涵;最後,建議圓融互利農業合作發展模式、逐項重點規劃執行合作要項範疇,及次第性農業生產技術合作與農產貿易策略,以供農政當局施政之參考。


Mainland China's agricultural economy has significantly changed ever since the economic reform was taken in 1978. However, the basic issues remain most elsewhere in the problems of agricultural high population associated with small farm management, and the agricultural trades limited very much among different regions. It is reasonable to note that any changes in the economic system in near future shall provide somewhat severe impacts on the world trade of agricultural products. Along with the economy's fast growth, Taiwan's agricultural production structure has also changed dramatically. The economic liberalization policy imposed in 1987 has produced some sizable impacts on changes the in the agricultural production structure and the trade competition structure as well. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the determinant factors for the agricultural production of Mainland China and Taiwan, to construct an econometric model for decomposing the factor components of the competition structure, to highlight the important economic strategy implication for both economic cooperation, and to make some policy suggestions for future actions.
