  • 期刊


The Dynamic Relationships between Oil Prices and Oil Industry Equity Indices: An Application o Jump Model with Fat Tail Distribution




This paper utilizes ARJI model with Fat Tail distribution assumption to investigate the dynamic relationship to high/low return of oil spot and oil sensitive industry indices. We incorporate Fat Tail distribution to capture the response of price volatility to a change in oil return behavior. High oil returns lead to increase in the stock index of companies are engaged in oil exploration, refining, and marketing, and lead to decrease in the stock index of engaged in airline, transportation. However, low oil returns have significant effect in airline industries. It implies the volatility impulse of oil spot return is asymmetric. The results of the study could offer more opportunities for portfolio diversification. This suggests that trader has a matching high/low returns and volatilities of oil spot to choose stocks of the oil exploration, production companies. Moreover, the oil market’s traders has matching volatility asymmetric effect with return of oil high/low spot price should also provide insightful investment information to averse or hedge volatility and those who gain from trading.


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