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Several Issues regarding Candrakirti's Theory of Two Truths (Part I)


本文旨在針對眾多研究Candrakirti 月稱的二諦說(satyadvaya)的論文中,未曾注意到或未曾詳細論究的若干問題點,加以檢討。包括(Ⅰ)Candrakirti 的二諦構造裡, 佛以外的聖者們, 其認識對象與二諦、特別是「勝義諦」(paramarthasatya)和「唯世俗」(samvrtimatra)間有何關連?(Ⅱ)二諦彼此是相互矛盾的對立關係、抑或是相輔相成的關係?(Ⅲ)Candrakirti 所主張的世俗諦與自性之關連為何等等問題。本次撰寫的(上)篇主要以第一個問題為焦點。經過比較、評析Candrakirti 的諸著作中的相關文節之後,發現Candrakirti 雖然沒有直接明說諸佛以外的聖者們也能見勝義諦,但他其實是認可這些聖者們同時擁有與勝義有關的認識和與世俗有關的認識。雖然仍殘留若干不明之處,Candrakirti 如此的立場,與唯識學派提出「根本智」及「後得智」之概念的立場,基本上是一致的。


This article considers various issues in Candrakirti』s theory of two truths which have not been addressed or dealt with in detail by scholars. These include the following: 1. In Candrakirti』s theory of the two truths, for those who have entered stages of holiness besides the Buddha, what is the relationship between the object of knowledge and the two truths (especially with reference to paramarthasatya and samvrtimatra)? 2. Are the two truths contradictory or complementary? 3. For Candrakirti, what is the relationship between conventional truth and self-nature? Part I, the present article, focuses on the first of these issues. After comparing and examining relevant works by Candrakirti, we find that although Candrakirti does not explicitly discuss the issue of holy persons other than the Buddha seeing the ultimate truth, he does allow that they have perceptions relating to both ultimate and conventional truths at the same time. Although there remain many ambiguities, Candrakirti』s conceptualizations are more or less consistent with the Yogacara concepts of mulajnana and prsthalabdhajnana.


Candrakirti Two truths samvrtimatra paramarthasatya


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