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The Historical Significance of Chang Shang-ying's Defense of Buddhism


「護法」是中國佛教史上的一個重要課題。佛教僧侶倡導或參與「護法」,本為天經地義之事。然歷代為佛教護法者,亦有儒家信佛之士。此輩「外護」,兼習內、外經典,熟識前人護法經驗,常以其內、外二學之修養及兼容並包之態度,於比較儒、釋理法教義中,自覺能見儒家排佛、辟佛者之缺失。為使二教各得其所,遂倡儒、釋並存之道。其中或有會通儒、釋或三教之意,實多以佛法為最優與最尊。本文之旨即在探討儒家人士護法之問題,以北宋儒臣張商英之護法為例,說明其護法之歷史意義。文中詳述張商英為佛法存在價值及功能所作之辯護,並客觀討論他積極翼贊叢林、提拔年輕僧侶、推薦其有道者主持要剎、關心佛教之聲譽及成長等作法。同時就其所著《護法論》一篇,條陳其對排佛論者之批判。綜觀其議論,不僅見其承前人護法之遺緒,對佛法益世之效用,予以較理性之申辯,且能就佛教之經文,加以詮釋,發揮其要義。他致力破除儒家排佛論之偏見,建立佛者之尊嚴,與前人參雜佛儒之說,而名曰會通二教者,大異其趣。本文分為六段。首段界定「護法」之意義,指出宋代護法議論之形成,頗受歷來反佛者之「夷夏論」,及宋儒「儒官失守而佛乘虛而入說」之刺激。張商英為回應此類反佛論之代表。次段略述張商英之歷史形象,指出其在政治上、宗教上所扮演角色的歧異。並揭出本文之主旨在彰顯張商英「護法」之歷史意義及撰述護法論之多重目標。第三段詳細引述宋人筆記、方志及佛教史料,證明張商英同時以個人及地方官吏之身分,對佛法及僧侶殷切之護持。並指出他對佛教社會之懇切針砭。第四段討論張以前北宋秀異份子護法之先聲,並以龍昌期為例,說明張承先啟後之角色。第五段討論張商英發憤撰述護法論之由來,其文之內容與目的。此段將護法論分為三部份申論︰其第一部份在駁斥歐陽修為首之儒家排佛論;第二部份在判三教之異同,及強調佛教的優越性;第三部份在為若干流行的佛教信仰作較理性之解釋。第六段總結張商英「護法」在肯定佛教存在之正面價值,及其說可能產生之教化作用。身為宰 相、儒官,張商英一方面反擊歐陽修為主的闢佛論,一方面對徽宗之毀佛進行抗爭,對佛教界之鼓舞實可想而見。總括全文,張商英認為三教都有其存在之價值與意義,而佛教超於其他二教之上,為三教境界最高者,非政治、宗教之迫害可滅絕之。他的看法不僅為後來崇佛的儒者所樂道,且為護法的儒佛之徒所依傍;不僅為國內的護法者所景慕,且為日本、高麗僧侶提供一個抵禦排佛論之範例。


爭議性 認知論 辯解 詮釋 譬喻 具體事實 正直 廉節


"In defense of the dharms" (hu-fa) is an important theme in the history of Chinese Buddhism. That Buddhist monks led or participated in the defense of the dharma has been only natural. Throughout Chinese history, however, there have been pro- Buddhist Confucians who acted as defenders of the dharma. These "defenders from the outside" (wai-hu) were often well versed in Confucian and Buddhist texts. They also learned from their predecessors' experiences and acquired a composite knowledge concerning the defense of the dharma. With this background and their understanding of Buddhism and Confucianism on the basis of comparison, they believed that they saw theproblems of anti-Buddhist diatribes. In order to do justice to the two teachings, they advocated the co-existence of the two--sometimes three, if Taosim was included. While some of them might take a conciliatory approach to correlating these two (or three ) teachings, most of them acknowledged the supremacy of Buddhism over Confucianism and held the former in the highest esteem. This article addresses the issue of the Confucian defense of Buddhism with special reference to Chang Shang-ying (1043~1121), who was prime minister at the court of Emperor Hui-tsung (r.1101~1105).It discusses the historical significance of his patronage and defense of Buddhism. It offers a disinterested account of his active involvement with Buddhist institutions, his unflagging support of younger and outstanding clerics, his genuine concern for the reputation and growth of Buddhist institutions, and his lengthy apologetic writing defending the Buddhist dharma. The article analyses his famous essay, viz., "Essay in Defense of the Dharma" (Hu-fu lun), which challenged the Confucians' attack on Buddhism, and argues that it repressents a rational and logical discussion on the inherent differences between the two teachings. Unlike many previous essays written to safeguard Buddhism, it is an appologetic writing which defends Buddhist dharma in its own terms rather than a doctrinal potpourri of two or three teachings. The article consists of six sections. The first section defines the Chinese term hu-fa in the context of religious, or more specifically, Buddhist history, It explains that the formation of Sung hu-fa discourse was partly stirred up by the annoying resurgence of the traditional, chauvinistic I-hsia lun--a notion that asserts the alien origin of Buddhism and its inferiority vis-a-vis native Chinese culture. It also arose from the Sung anti-Buddhist proposition that "Buddhismgrew out of Confucians' inability to safeguard their own teachings." Chang Shangying took it upon himself to repond to this line of anti-Buddhist censure. The second section takes into account Chang's historical image, pointing out the contrasting roles he played in politics and religion. It demonstrates the significance of his hu-fa experience, which was made particularly evident by the manifold goals of his essay, the Hu-fa lun. The third section details Chang's unswerving patronage of Buddhism on the basis of various Sung sources, including Buddhist histories, monastery records, Sung scholars' random jottings, and local gazettes. It argues that Chang supported Buddhist institutions as an offical as well as an individual, and his support clearly entails counsel and admonition. The fourth section discusses the possibility of Chang being inspired by some of his precursors, in particular Lung Ch'ang-ch'i (fl.Chen-tsung's reign),a native of his home province and a recluse scholar. The fifth section of the article further discusses the background and motivation of Chang's writing of the Hu-fa lun, along with its content and goals. This section comprises three parts: the first part focuses on Chang's refutation of anti_Buddhist strictures which Ou-yang Hsiu(1007~1072)and his cohort had passed on Buddhism; the second part outlines how Chang differentiated the three teachings and accentuated the supremacy of Buddhism; the third part depicts his seemingly rational interpretation of contemporary popular Buddhist beliefs. The final section reiterates Chang's assertion of the positive value and functions of Buddhism as a higher form of religion and the edifying effects of this favorable affirmations. It broaches the potential impact of Chang's work: as a retired prime minister and a Confucian elite who stood up to countering the anti-Buddhist condemnation and to protesting against the proscription of Buddhism, he would doubtless hearten the despondent Buddhist clergy who were despairing of their future. In sum, Chang Shang-ying's defense of Buddhism was unprecedented. He insisted that rulers should be advised not to purge any religion, and that Buddhism is the ultimate cure of all social ailments which should in no way be condemned. His views and arguments appealed widely to pro-Buddhist Confucians in later times and enriched their works aiming at the defense of Buddhism. Much admired by fellow Chinese defenders, he also inspired the monks in Korea and Japan who braved the danger of religious persecution to defend the dharma on their respective lands.





