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The Regulatory Perimeter for Crypto-Asset Anti-Money Laundering Regulations and International Standards: Comments on Taiwan's "Regulations Governing Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism for Enterprises Handling Virtual Currency Platform or Transaction"




The money laundering risk associated with virtual asset has recently received international and domestic attention. The FATF Recommendations has established comprehensive international standards for this issue. In Taiwan, the Regulations Governing Anti- Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism for Enterprises Handling Virtual Currency Platform or Transaction has also been enforced since July 1, 2021, marking the launch of anti-money laundering laws for crypto-asset in Taiwan. In this paper, after comparing Taiwan's current regulations with FATF's international standards, I point out that the regulatory perimeters for virtual currencies and virtual currency businesses in Taiwan actually depart from that under FATF's international standards, which might affect the APG mutual evaluation result for Taiwan in the future. In light of this, I propose the adjustments to be made for Taiwan's current laws based on the updated guidance promulgated by FATF in October 2021. It is anticipated that regulators may take advantage of the recent initiative to amend Money Laundering Control Act proposed by the Ministry of Justice and revise current regulations to align with the international standards for controlling money laundering associated with virtual asset.
