  • 期刊


Occupational Exposure Assessment and Health Hazard Analysis of Stone Workers


本研究為一前導研究,欲探討現今石作勞工之職業暴露及健康危害。透過政府管理單位之協助,選取6家石作業者,進行作業環境測定:測量粉塵濃度,以及噪音與振動強度。本研究亦以問卷方式調查對象廠家勞工之自覺健康情況,作為暴露評估之參考依據。粉塵採樣的項目為總粉塵與可呼吸性粉塵。所有粉塵測量值,以法規之第四種粉塵檢視,皆合乎容許濃度標準,但若以第一、二種粉塵視之則不然;乾式作業之測定值並未明顯高於濕式作業,此可能與通風設備使用與否有關。噪音與手-手臂振動強度則瀕臨甚至超過標準值,振動又以乾式手持砂輪機之加速度最強(7.02m/s^2,X方向)。頻譜分析顯示,噪音頻率高峰處為1k~4kHz,為最容易造成聽力損害的區段;無論乾式或濕式砂輪機,均可產生對人體危害較大的振動頻率(8~16Hz)。健康問卷分析結果也指出,約三成以上的人表示有自覺的聽力障礙,使用振動工具而自覺手指神經功能異常的比例約有三分之一,其中振動暴露與手指麻木之勝算比達到顯著水準(OR=6.75, 95% CI: [1.32, 34.6])。因此石材作業勞工之健康,值得重視並應進行後續的評估。


This pilot study assessed occupational exposure and health threats for current stone workers. With governmental assistance, we selected six stone industrial factories and measured possible agents that affected health in the work places, such as dust, noise and hand-arm vibration. We also conducted a self-reported questionnaire survey to discover the health statuses of the workers, and attempted to find the associations between exposure and health. Dust sampling included sampling of total and respirable dust. All airborne dust levels, if categorized as Class 4, were complied with the regulations. However, some of the levels exceeded the standards, if categorized as Class 1 or 2. Dry sanding did not significantly generate more dust than the wet method, suggesting the effectiveness of using ventilation equipment. Noise and hand-arm vibration, however, were at or over the standards, and hand held dry sanding machine produced the largest acceleration (7.02 m/s^2, X axis). The spectrum analysis indicates that the peak values of noise occurred between 1 k-4 kHz, which had the most impact on the hearing ability; either dry or wet sanding could produce the harmful frequencies (8-16 Hz) of vibration. The questionnaire survey shows that more than 30% of interviewers thought they had problems with hearing, and one-third felt they had nerve impairment of their fingers. The odd ratio for hand-arm vibration in relation to finger numbness is 6.75 with 95% CI of (1.32, 34.6). Therefore, the follow-ups of health evaluation of stone workers are of importance and are necessary.


Stone industry Dust noise Hand-arm vibration


陳秋蓉、陳叡瑜、蕭錦鐘(1997)。石作工人健康檢查結果之分析研究(IOSH87-M302)。台灣新北市:勞工安全衛生研究所=Institute of Occupational Safety and Health。
台灣區石礦製品工業同業公會網站(http://www.stone.org.tw/now/now.htm),資料擷取於 2010年2月4日。Taiwan Marble Association website (http://www.stone.org.tw/now/now.htm), the data was extracted on February 4, 2010.
台灣區石礦製品工業同業公會(2010)。第九屆第一次會員(代表)大會手冊。台灣花蓮縣=Hualien County, Taiwan:台灣區石礦製品工業同業公會=Taiwan Marble Association。


