  • 期刊


The Dynamic Relationship between the Size of Stray Dog Population and the Number of Captured Dogs in Kaohsiung City: A Policy Selection Progress Based on a Simple Exponential Model




捕捉數 高雄市 流浪犬 族群


Stray dog overpopulation has always been a major disturbance for citizens in Kaohsiung City. Euthanasia and capture, neuter and rehoming programs are the main methods used by the council. The size of stray dog population is affected by the successful growth rate and the death rate, while the death rate is related to the number of stray dogs captured in the city. As Kaohsiung City was scheduled to host the World Games, the city assembly had suggested that the city needed to reinforce its stray dog control program. However, considering the councils limited man-power and budget, as well as the issue of animal welfare, it is important to find the balance between capturing dogs and their welfare. A mathematic model based on a simple exponential model was developed. The number of stray dogs captured in 2004 and 2005 and the population of stray dogs recorded in 2005s census were adopted to evaluate the dynamic change of the stray dog population after continuous dog capturing. The results showed that unless all stray dogs were removed in a very short time, their number would reduce at first before eventually settled on a certain number. Thus, it was not practical and necessary to capture more dogs than just responding to citizens' calls.


