  • 學位論文


A Policy Instrument Dealing With Stray Animals: Taxing Headstream Breeders

指導教授 : 劉曦敏


本研究主要是從經濟的角度出發,針對處理流浪動物的政策工具提出建議,探討政府若施行寵物源頭管制能否減少流浪動物的數量。首先,本文比較我國和英、美兩國在動物保護運動上的歷程和執法方式之異同,藉此吸取他國的經驗。其次,整理出目前台灣處理流浪動物的主要政策工具、及其施行概況和面臨的困境,希望從中找出有效的新做法。最後,本文建構了一個兩階段的賽局來分析政府對繁殖場課稅同時強制飼主為寵物絕育,是否能夠有效減少流浪動物的數量,而答案是肯定的。 因為台灣民眾普遍缺乏動物保護的知識和觀念,加上政府政策搖擺不定和執行力不足,在自我控制和法律約束都失調的狀況下,流浪動物的問題始終無法獲得改善。目前政府對流浪動物主要採取捕捉和撲殺的措施,不過成效有限,且在道德層面上備受爭議。因此,本文所提出對源頭管制以有效降低流浪動物數量的建議,希望相關單位能仔細進行評估、考量,並將其納入政策工具中。此外,政府應將動物保護和飼主正確飼養的觀念徹底融入教育體系中,讓愛護動物、尊重生命成為每個國民都具備的素養。也唯有當自律和他律都實現時,流浪動物的問題才得以真正解決。


From an economic perspective, this research proposes a policy instrument dealing with stray animals, which explores whether controlling births from the origin by government’s regulations can decrease the number of stray animals. This study first compares the similarities and differences on the evolution and law enforcement of animal protection campaigns among Taiwan, United Kingdom, and the United States to learn experiences from other countries. Then, major policy instruments currently used to deal with stray animals in Taiwan, their strengths and weaknesses, and their limitations are introduced, such that a new way can be suggested to handle this problem effectively. Finally, this study constructs a two-period game to analyze whether taxing on headstream breeders and forcing owners to neuter their pets can reduce the number of stray animals evidently. And the result is positive. Taiwanese people generally lack concepts and knowledge on animal protection. Related policies are vague, and government’s determination to resolve the stray- animal problem is flimsy. Therefore, little progress is made under deficient self-control and legal constraints. Government here has adopted capturing and slaughtering to reduce the number of stray animals so far. These means are controversial at the moral level and their effects are limited. Thus, this study suggests controlling original births to reduce the number of stray animals using economic analysis. I hope that relevant policy makers evaluate carefully whether the proposal of this study can be incorporated into policies. On the other hand, government should make concepts of animal protection and proper care deep-rooted in our education system, such that every national knows how to treat animals well and respect lives. The stray-animal issue can be resolved only when both self-discipline and exterior confinement occur.


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台灣動物社會研究會 http://www.east.org.tw/
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邱于軒(2015)。為流浪動物奮鬥── 動物保護人士之轉化學習歷程〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6843/NTHU.2015.00122
