

患犬為一隻一歲齡,體重30公斤,已絕育之雄性德國狼犬。兩天前患犬左後肢卡在金屬水槽之框架中,並於試圖掙脫時受傷,左跗關節近端後側有一割傷,傷口可見韌帶斷端。曾於地方醫院就診並進行韌帶修復術,因活動力旺盛,術後傷口裂開且左後肢依然呈現蹠行(plantigrade),遂於民國100年3月22日帶至本校獸醫教學醫院就診。病犬精神食慾皆正常,視診可見其站立時左後肢蹠行,並可於傷口看見阿基里斯腱的斷端;觸診發現左跗關節於屈曲時,阿基里斯腱缺乏張力,初步診斷為阿基里斯腱斷裂(Achilles tendon rupture)於民國100年3月24日為患犬以3-loop pulley suture進行阿基里斯腱修復術並以跨關節第二型骨外固定架加強左跗關節固定。最終診斷為阿基里斯腱的斷裂。術後第36天將其骨外固定拆除,患肢仍有跛行但已可部分負重。術後第90天複診,步態及活動力正常且患肢已可正常負重。


阿基里斯腱 蹠行 外固定


A seven-year-old, 30.0 kg, neutered male German Shepherd, was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of National Chung Hsing University on March 22(superscript nd), 2011, for weight bearing lameness of the left hind limb with plantigrade stance posture due to severe Archilles tendon injury. Patient was injured when he tried to pull out his left hind limb from a metal frame of sink two days ago. Primary repair of the tendon was attempted at local animal hospital, but failed. Revision of primary tenorrhaphy with 3-loop pulley suture technique and temporary arthrodesis by using transarticular external skeletal fixator were performed on March 24(superscript th), 2011. The final diagnosis was Archilles tendon rupture. After the surgery, the usage of left hind limb was normal. The external skeletal fixator was removed on April 28(superscript th). The patient recovered well.
