  • 期刊


Discuss "Legislation of Autopsy" in Accident Investigation


飛行失事以人爲因素爲主,因而失事調查的必要程序之一,就是罹難遺體解剖,以掌握當事人之身心狀況,發掘與此次事故之相關性,做爲未來失事預防之參考。 本文就遺體解剖的目的,解剖之範圍,談到解剖對失事調查之意義。作者進一步提出六個案例研究,以探討未解剖之利弊得失。文中除參考歐美先進國家之經驗,配合我國軍對飛安之迫切需求,以及克服法醫人力不足,解剖實務作業的困難,從立法精神以求突破,達到促進飛行安全的目的。


Human factor being the main caused of flight accident and because one of the necessary investigation procedure is the post-mortem study of the death bodies which give understandings of the victims mental and physical state at that time, excavating this accident interrelated nature in order to serve as a reference in the prevention of future accident. The proposal in this literary work is ”Autopsy” and it scope. In discussing the meaning of it in accident investigation, the author introduces six advanced cases for research study in discussing the advantages of ”Autopsy” Besides referring to the experiences of the developed countries like Europe and U.S.A. also coordinates with our country's military pressing need for flight safety to overcome lack of forensic medical coroner and the problems faced by in the operation of ”Autopsy” Also aims in the breakthrough of autopsy legislation to the process of ”Flight Safety”.
