  • 期刊


Aircraft Mishap Investigation from Flight Surgeon. Point of View


人爲因素是空難災變事故的最大原因,事故比率約爲百分之六十至八十。所謂「人爲」泛指飛機操作、維修及飛航安全控管人員。人爲因素不相等於人爲疏失,例如飛機機師之研判或處置不當,若係在情況緊急、時間急迫之狀況下,即難謂有疏失。空難事故調查委員會之組成,至少應有四人:航空醫師,飛航安全官員,資深飛機維修官員,資深飛機操作官員。這四類成員是必需的,而成員數目則視事故規模而定。 每一件發生死亡的空難災變事故,均應做三項解剖:罹難者,飛機,任務。所謂解剖,就是打開事物之外罩,探究其內容的動作。簡言之,就是open and see。解剖之目的,在於揭露事實之真相,並將調查的作爲由被動變爲主動。空難事故調查之性質爲檢討過去,找出錯誤的癥結,供自己改進及同儕學習借鏡,其最終目的,則在策勵將來,預防下一次災難的發生。空難事故之調查結論,不可以作爲這一次事故理賠之依據。


Human factor is the greatest cause of aircrafi mishap, and the rate ranges from 60% to 80% The so called ”human factor” regards to aircrafis operation, maintenance and flight safety control officers. Human factor is not equal to human carelessness, for in stance the judgement of the pilots or the matter have not been dealt with properly. Under urgent condition and pressing time, it is impossible to avoid some careiess mistakes. The organization of Aircraft Mishap Investigation Board must at least have four people, flight surgeon, flight safety officer, senior aircraft maintenance officer and senior aircraft operating officer. These four people are necessary for the organization but the number of people required depends upon the dimensions of the mishap. In every case of fatal aircraft mishap, must have three dissections; victims of the disaster, aircraft and mission. By dissection it means opening up of the outer covering and penetrating deep mto the matter. The simple meaning is ”open and see”. The aim of dissection is to expose the real facts, and the work of investigation is to change from passive to active. The nature of aircraft mishap investigation is to make a reassessment of the past, find out the basic problems of the mistakes for us to make improvements and also learn the examples of our colleagues. The final target will be to encourage future plans to a void accidents happening next time. The conclusion of aircraft mishap investigation, cannot be base on accident compensation occur this time.
