  • 期刊


The New Concepts of Clinical Aviation Medicine


以各種眼角膜手術治療近視,均不適合軍民航空界,尤其夜間飛行作業對安全的影響最大。角膜彩色圖譜儀將有助於篩檢,以防止不適者混入航空界。軍民航駕駛員的選訓,除體格檢查必須合乎標準以外,心理性向的甄選愈來愈受重視,此舉有助於降低訓練成本、及提升飛安品質。 新一代客機由於節約能源,引擎設計因而改變,使得機艙內換氣量減少,導致機內空氣品質不良的爭議,因此機艙內全面禁煙實有其必要,亦有助安全。國際航線長途越洋飛行,機上醫療裝備之提升,實成爲目前民航界新的趨勢。在緊急情況發生時廣播,九成會有醫生在場給予協助。機上配置自動心臟電擊器將是公元二千年航空界的新目標。 航空體檢的目的,不儘在早期發現問題個案、以促飛安。在駕駛人力資源之維護、對航空公司經濟的效益,貢獻尤大。六○至八○年代美國各大航空公司推動預防醫學之健康維護計劃,實功不可沒。航空器愈發展愈大載人愈多,而座艙組員之人數卻愈來愈少;因此駕駛員之健康狀況,對飛安的影響就更爲重要了!


In making the selection and training of student pilots of military and civil airlines, those participating must not only pass the standard of physical exanination but more important is passing their psychological aptitude. This helps to reduce the cost of training as well as in increasing the quality of flight safety. Even though so many methods of cornea surgery are used in correcting near-sight. All of them are not consider qualified in military and civil aviation world. It specially had great effects upon night flight. The Cornea Color Topography will help in the selection, preventing those who are not suitable to enter into aviation career. In order to conserve energy, the new passenger plane has different engine design and construction. This has enable the cabin’s aeration ability to reduce creating poor air quality inside the plane which has raised arguments. So, there is a need to prohibit smoking in the whole cabin and contributes to its safety. The medical equipment's of the plane flying long haul international lines are upgraded. This is the new trend in the civil airlines. In case of emergency it will be broadcasted and 90%, the doctors or nurses will be present on the spot. The target in the year 2000 is to have all the planes equip with auto-defibrillator. The aim of the aviation medical examination is not only to detect the early stages of each problem but in reaching flight safety. In the preservation and protection of man power of pilots, this benefit the airlines industry to be more economical. This is a great contribution. In 1960 to 1980, different major airlines of the U.S. introduced the preventive health maintenance program, which received tremendous achievements. As the airplane's equipment becomes more and more advanced, it carries more and more people, but the cockpit crews becomes lesser. So the effects of pilot's health condition in flight safety becomes more and more important.

