  • 期刊

Enhancement of Papaya Axillary Shoot Proliferation in Vitro by Controlling the Available Ethylene



本研究探討乙烯濃度在木瓜(Carica papaya L.)組織培養腋芽長成欉生莖中之時程。在培養第一週時利用氣體平衡交換法調控培養瓶中乙烯:以透明箱作為乙烯注射的間接空間以及0.02μm孔經濾膜對住培養瓶使能擴散平衡。結果以0.2及0.4ppm乙烯環境下先經過一週隨後通氣培養皿兩週,則分別得到最大促進效果之幼莖數提高36%及葉數提高50%。本研究同時也利用外加乙烯生成前驅物ACC、生成抑制劑AVG及氯化亞鈷於培養基中以改變內生乙烯,其中以2μMACC對幼莖數可達到最大的促進效果(提高75%)。利用0.5μM氯化亞鈷分別可提高欉生莖增殖率23%及49%。為了找出培養期間適當之乙烯濃度,本研究亦分析幼莖數與乙烯濃度之間的關係,能產生最多莖數之乙烯濃度於第一、第二及第三週分別為0.34、0.20及0.15ppm。這些結果顯示要提高木瓜腋芽生成欉生莖的產量可能需要於培養早期施以較高濃度的乙烯及隨後降低乙烯濃度。


ACC AVG 木瓜 氯化亞鈷 乙烯 氣體平衡交換法


The timing of ethylene concentration favorable for in vitro proliferation of papaya (Carica papaya L.) multiple shoot clusters through outgrowth of axillary buds was investigated. Exogenous ethylene in culture flasks was regulated during the first week by using a gas diffusion equilibration procedure, which used a transparent box as an indirect space for the ethylene injection and flasks sealed with 0.02 pm filters for diffusion and equilibration. There was a 36% increase in shoot number and a 50% increase of leaf number by adding 0.2 or 0.4ppm ethylene into the box the first week, followed by aerating the flasks the following two weeks. The level of endogenous ethylene was also modified by adding the ethylene biosynthesis precursor (ACC) and the inhibitors (AVG and CoCl2) to the culture medium in the flasks under sealed conditions. The greatest enhancement rate of shoot number (75%) was achieved with 2pM ACC. Shoot proliferation rates by applying 0.5μM AVG and 5μM CoC12 were enhanced by 23% and 49%, respectively. The relationships between shoot number and ethylene concentration during a three-week incubation period were analyzed to reveal the most favorable ethylene concentrations. Concentrations with the best proliferation were 0.34, 0.20 and 0.15ppm for Weeks 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The results indicated that a relatively higher ethylene level during the early incubation period, followed by low levels subsequently might be most favorable for improved rates of papaya axillary shoot proliferation.


