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Begonia Coptidifolia (Begoniaceae),a New Species from China



本文發表中國秋海棠科一新種,陽春秋海棠 (Begonia coptiifolia)。陽春秋海棠採自廣東省陽春陽春市鵝鳳嶂自然保護區,至目前為止,僅發現於鵝鳳嶂海拔約600公尺的山谷溪溝陰濕石上,生境脆弱。此新種與掌葉秋海棠 (B. hemsleyana) 略似,但新種葉子掌狀3全裂,裂片再次2全裂,其小裂片羽狀深裂;而掌葉秋海棠具掌狀複葉,小葉具柄。此新種與掌裂葉秋海棠 (B. pdatifida) 亦略似,但後者為掌狀深裂。本文對此三種植物加以比較、提供線總圖以資辨認,並報導陽春秋海棠之染色體數目 (2n=22)及核型。


Begonia coptidifolia H. G. Ye, F. G. Wang, Y. S. Ye & C.-I Peng, a new species from Guangdong province, China, is here described and illustrated. Its chromosome number (2n=22) and karyotype are reported. Begonia coptidifolia belongs to sect. Platycentrum and somewhat resembles B. hemsleyana Hook. f., from which it differs by the aerial stems seen only at anthesis (vs. all year round), palmately trisected leaves with pinnately parted lobules (vs. leaves palmately compound with 7-9 petiolulate leaflets) and petioles grooved on adaxial surface (vs. terete). The new species also resembles Begonia pedatifida H. Lev., which, however, has much stouter rhizomes (2-6 cm vs. 0.3-0.5 cm thick), leaves plmatifid with triangular lobules, and terete petioles. Begonia coptidifolia is rare, known only from a small ravine in Ehuangzhang Nature Reserve, Yangchun, Guangdong Province.
