  • 期刊

Comparative Morphological and Physiological Responses of Green Gram Genotypes to Salinity Applied at Different Growth Stages



綠豆(Vigna radiata L. Wilczek)不同基因型於發芽期,營養生長,及生殖生長期分別施以氯化納處理,以觀察其對鹽害之忍受度。各品種間被檢驗之項目如:發芽率,發芽後之存活率,鹽害之病徵,營養生長期體內Na(上標 +),Cl(上標 -)及K(上標 +)和總葉綠素含量;生殖生長之豆莢發育,種子產量及產量組成都呈現顯著的差異。綠豆之耐鹽性表現在較高的最終發芽率及發芽後之存活率,地上部之低焦化、低黃化、低壞死現象,體內累積較低之Na(上標 +)及第Cl(上標 -),稍微提高K(上標 +)濃度,而提高葉綠素含量。地上部病徵出現之頻率和體內累積之Na(上標 +)及Cl(上標 -)成正相關但和K(上標 +)成負相關。成熟時,豆莢重,種子:殼之重量比,百粒重,種子產量及收穫指數在耐鹽品種M-6601都比較高。由於M-6601維持穩定的種子:殼之重量比,所以我們推論:在鹽害情況下,此品種之所以能夠有較高的的種子產量主要歸功於把較大比率之光合作用生成物分配到種子而非豆莢。依據上述數據,我們宣稱M-6601為耐鹽者而241/11為對鹽敏感者。要言之,能否避免毒害作用是綠豆生長期間是否耐鹽之主要決定因子。


Experiments ere conducted to find the difference among green gram (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) genotypes for salinity tolerance during germination and during vegetative and reproductive growth stages under NaCl treatment. Data revealed significant genotypic differences in germination percentage and post-germination survival of seedlings, symptoms of salt injury, changes in the levels of Na(superscript+), Cl(superscript -) and K(superscript +) and total chlorophyll at the vegetative stage, and in pod development, seed yield, and yield components at the reproductive stage. Salinity tolerance in green gram was related to greater final germination and post-germination seedling survival, low scorching, chlorosis and necrosis of aerial parts, reduced Na(superscript +) and Cl(superscript -), slightly enhanced K(superscript +), and greater chlorophyll content. Appearance of increased symptoms on the aerial parts was positively related to increased Na(superscript +) and Cl(superscript -) and negatively to increased K(superscript +). At maturity, pod weight, seed: hull weight ratio, 100-seed weight, seed yield and harvest index were also greater in M-6601. Maintenance of a steady seed: hull weight ratio in M-6601 indicated that a higher seed yield in this genotype is principally due to a greater partitioning of photoassimilates to seed rather than hull during pod development under saline conditions. Based on these criteria, M-6601 and 241/11 were declared salt tolerant and sensitive, respectively. Essentially then, ion-toxicity is the dominant factor modulating the salt tolerance of green gram during growth periods.
