  • 期刊

RFLP Mapping of the Centromere of Chromosomes 1, 6 and 9 by B-A Translocations in Maize



本文利用斷裂點靠近中節的B-A易位染色體所産生的亞倍體(hypoploid),實體標定玉米第一;六及九對染色體中節在RFLP圖譜上的位置。亞倍體缺失一個父本染色體臂。也因此缺失該臂上的父本RFLP標誌。這些標誌中,最靠近中節 的標誌用於確定中節的位置。本研究以六個不同的亞倍體分析三十個標誌,將第一對染色體的中節標定於umc67-umc177a區域,第六對中節在bnl6.29-bnl7.28區域,第九對在bnl5.10-umc20區域。這三個區域分別含蓋3.3,3及0.5個圖譜單位。在RFLP分析中也發現非父本的信號,並推測五個易位染色體的A-B染色體,可能帶有異常的構造。


The centromere of chromosomes 1, 6 and 9 are physically mapped by the hypoploids of the six most proximal B-A translocations. The hypoploids are deficient for a paternal chromosome arm and, as a result, lose the paternal signal of those RFLP markers located on the missing chromosome arm. Of those markers missing from the hypoploids, the two most proximal ones on each arm of a chromosome define the physical location of the centromere. Analysis of 10 RFLP markers on chromosome 1, 8 on chromosome 6 and 12 on chromosome 9, maps the first centromere to the umc67-umcl77a region, the sixth centromere to the bnl6.29-bnl7.28 region, and the ninth centromere to the bnlS.1O-umc20 region, an interval of about 3.3, 3 and 0.5 map units, respectively. Other interesting observations are that the A-B chromosome of five of the six B-A translocations is associated with anomalous signals B-A translocations is associated with anomalous signals not originated from the paternal parent, suggesting probable presence of chromosome rearrangement(s).
