  • 期刊

Flow Cytometric Analysis of Spermatogenesis in Varicocele Patients



精索靜脈曲張對病人睪丸造精能力之影嚮仍是一個大家研究的題目。傳統的睪丸切片檢查不但費時、無法定量而且比較主觀。利用核醣核酸螢光染色流動細胞分析睪丸造精能力已被證實是一可行、快速、可重覆且客觀之研究方法。利用此方法我們測定了二十例患有嚴重精索靜脈曲張病人睪丸造精能力之變化情形。組織學檢查共有13位病人(65 %)呈現不同程度之造精能力降低情形。從核醣核酸螢光染色流動細胞分析結果得知共有十四位(70 %)病例出現異常之細胞染色體套數比。其中16個睪丸切片單位在流動細胞分析判讀上屬部份成熟停止狀態(第二類),2個睪丸切片單位在流動細胞分析判讀上屬早期完全性成熟停止狀態(第三類甲型),5個睪丸切片單位在流動細胞分析判讀上屬晚期完全性成熟停止狀態(第三類乙型)。本研究中並未見Sertoli細胞單一徵候群(第四類)。核醣核酸螢光染色流動細胞分析對精索靜脈曲張於睪丸造精能力影嚮判斷之敏感度為84.6%,而特一性為92.8 %。睪丸體積並無法成為單一評估精索靜脈曲張對造精能力影嚮之因素,在某種程度上可能為精索靜脈曲張晚期的結果。至於精液分析所偵測出最高的異常率(80%),可能是因精虫經過睪丸及睪丸外途裡時所受之總影嚮。這些初步結果顯示核醣核酸螢光染色流動細胞分析的確可輔助傳統病理切片觀察,迅速、準確且定量的分析精索靜脈曲張病人睪丸造精能力之變化。


The effect of varicocele on spermatogenesis continues to elude investigators. Conventional pathological examination of testicular biopsy is time-consuming, qualitative and subjective. The ability to use deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) flow cytometry on testicular biopsy material has been shown to be a rapid, reproducible and objective modality to quantify spermatogenesis. This technique has been used here to quantify spermatogenic activity in 20 patients with severe varicocele. By histologic examination, 13 patients (65%) demonstrated alternations in spermatogenesis with various degree of hypospermatogenesis. The DNA histogram revealed that 14 patients (70%) with 23 units of testicular biopsy had an abnormal ploidy ratio with partial maturation arrest (Type 2) in 16 testicular units, earlier complete maturation arrest (Type 3a) in 2 units and late complete maturation arrest (Type 3b) in 5 units. No Sertoli-cell-only syndrome (Type 4) was seen in this study. The senstitivity of DNA flow cytometry for diagnosis of spermotogenesis impairment of varicocele was 84. 6% and specificity was 92. 8%. Testicular size is not an independent parameter for evaluation of spermatogenic activity affected by varicocele and might be a late outcome of varicocele in a certain percentage of patients. Semen analysis had the highest abnormality rate (80%), possibly because of a combination of influences by testicular and extratesticular factors. Results suggested that DNA flow cytotnetric analysis of testis can provide an adjunctive study for rapid and quantitative characterization of spermatogenesis in varicocele patients.
