  • 期刊

Combined Use of 30% Lactose Rich Diet and 1% Ethylene Glycol: A New Animal Model for Study of Urolithiasis



目的:本研究嘗試合併使用30%乳糖與1%乙烯甘醇致結石飲食,來建立探討草酸鈣結晶尿與尿路結石之動物實驗新模式。 材料與方法:30隻Sprague-Dawley成年雄性大白鼠,重量約250至300公克,隨意分成3組,每組10隻。第一組大白鼠屬於控制組。第二組大白鼠餵食LabDiet高乳糖飲食(PMI,USA)4週。第三組大白鼠餵食高乳糖與1%乙烯甘醇4週。我們測定血液中鈣、鈉、鉀、氯與肌酸酐值。尿液中草酸、檸檬酸、尿酸、鈣、鎂、磷、鈉、鉀、氯與肌酸酐廓清率。右腎則經過福馬林與hematoxylene eosin染色後,使用偏光顯微鏡半定量分析腎臟內草酸鈣結晶沉著。 結果:實驗之初,三組大白鼠之尿液皆無雙水草酸鈣結晶,但是在餵食大白鼠高乳酸飲食後,尿液中明顯可見雙水草酸鈣結晶。第一組與第二組大白鼠均無草酸鈣結晶沉著或者草酸鈣結石形成。第三組大白鼠之腎臟外觀顯著腫大,形成之草酸鈣結石之直徑,自2至5毫米不等。本研究顯示30%高乳酸飲食可誘發大白鼠產生顯著高尿鈣,並且合併雙水草酸鈣結晶尿,但是不會造成高尿草酸。 結論:餵食大白鼠高乳酸飲食,是一種研究尿液雙水草酸鈣結晶的非常好的動物模式。再者,本研究進一步發現,合併使用30%高乳酸飲食與1%乙烯甘醇,可有效誘發大白鼠形成草酸鈣結石並導致腎水腫。此種現象與過去動物實驗模式比較,並不僅僅是單純的草酸鈣結晶尿或腎臟草酸鈣結晶沉著,更接近人類尿路結石的形成與影響。


OBJECTIVE: We used a modified lithogenic diet by combining 30% lactose and 1% ethylene glycol to improve the animal model for stone research. MATERIALS AND METHOD: Thirty male Sprague-Dawley adult rats weighing 250-300 gm were randomly divided into three groups. Each group consists of 10 rats. Group 1 served as control. Group 2 were fed with lactose rich diets (30%) and tap water for 4 weeks. Group 3 were fed with lactose rich diets and received 1% EG in drinking water for 4 weeks. The crystalluria, stone and crystal deposits were examined by light and polarizing microscope, respectively. RESULT: There was no any urinary stone and crystal deposition in group 1 and 2 rats. The kidneys of group 3 rats were grossly enlarged and hydronephrotic. The size of urinary stones ranged from 2 to 5 mm in diameter (average3.2mm.). Stones were noted within the papillary tips in all Group 3 rats. CONCLUSIONS: The administration to rats of a diet containing 30% lactose is an effective model for the study of calcium oxalate dihydrate crystalluria. Furthermore, the combination of 30% lactose and 1% ethylene glycol can effectively induce calcium oxalate stone formation and result in hydronephrosis. The present experimental model enables close simulation of the conditions in human and can be used for urinary stone research.
