

要獲得牢靠鋼琴技巧的唯一道路即是練習,這是需要時間、努力、專心度和訓練。隨著鋼琴這項樂器不斷的改良進步,手指的訓練也日益重要。五指練習是一項身、心共同的活動,頭腦和肌肉同等重要。學琴到達一個程度以後,都不可避免地需要進行一些手指練習。如果不能專一心致,再多小時的機械式練習也是徒勞無功。練習的效果是由練習的方法所決定,指導學生以正確的方法練琴是教師最重要的任務之一。 本文分析了五指在鋼琴演奏機制中的作用,提出解決五指技巧的方法,並附上練習的譜例。適當的練習將會增強指力和對手指的控制能力。深入細緻的練習,則需要選擇一些典範的練習曲。每個學習者都有不同五指技巧的問題,我們可以從中選擇一些練習曲,藉由這些練習來更正弱點。此外,一些改正大姆指夾指、弱指關節和弱指的特殊練習也會在本文中討論。


The only road that leads to a reliable piano technique is practice. This requires time, effort, concentration, and discipline. With mechanical progress in the development of instruments, it becomes more and more important to develop strong fingers. It should be noted that five-finger exercises are both a physical and a mental activity; brains and brawn are equally important. To a certain extent, the practicing of finger exercises cannot be avoided. Hours of mechanical finger exercises are waste of time unless the mind is involved. The effect of the exercises depends, of course, upon the way you play them. One of the most important duties of a pedagogy is to teach pupil how to practice correctly. In this paper, we analysis the contribution of five fingers to the mechanism of piano playing. Guidance (with suggested exercises) for solving technical problems of five fingers. Proper exercises will strengthen the fingers and bring them under control. Thorough study, however, be applied to some specially instructive etudes. Since every student possesses different five-finger technical problems, it is incumbent upon each to make a selection of those exercises that aim at correcting his or her weak points. Special exercises for the remedy double-jointed thumbs, weak knuckles and fingers will be discussed in this paper.

