  • 期刊


Analysis of How Teachers' Training Program Cultivate Clinical Counseling Teachers' Reflective Teaching Practices and Clinical Reasoning




This Thesis, based on a "practical-oriented transition" in the current teacher education program, saw clinical practical skills as the core element of the program. In the transition, much more clinical practical experience was offered by universities, middle and elementary schools with teacher education programs, which suggested that such practical skills are essential for student teachers. The clinical-experimental-based teacher education program not only emphasized very much on the actual site inside middle and elementary schools but also re-constructed the partnership between universities and middle and elementary schools. As such, this Thesis contextualized the current situation and unfolded how clinical counseling teachers cultivate their reflective teaching practices and clinical reasoning on actual sites in schools. The subjects of this Thesis were clinical counseling teachers from two elementary schools in Taichung City while certain methodologies such as literature review, interview survey was adopted. The result showed that: 1. The teachers' reflective and practical knowledge consisted of their teaching practices; 2. The teachers' clinical reasoning was formed in the process of interaction, reflection, and critical self-examination; 3. The teachers capitalized on critical thinking to conduct clinical reasoning; 4. There were some suggested techniques to enhance the teachers' reflective practical knowledge: (i) exchanging ideas with the same colleague could help construct the reflective knowledge; (ii) exchanging ideas by focusing on the same material was beneficial to the teachers' reflective knowledge in teaching; (iii) improvised thinking during the actual practice would improve the teachers' practical experience. The result of Thesis could contribute to the future policy regarding clinical-practice-based teacher program as a reference.


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