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The Promotion of National Identity under the Essence of Malay-Centrism: Critical Thoughts Regarding the 1Malaysia Advertisements


馬來西亞新一任的首相Najib A. Razak用了巨大的財力和人力推廣他的「一個馬來西亞」概念,試圖建構馬來西亞人民的國族認同,緩和長久籠罩在馬來西亞政治的族裔分化問題。在建構「一個馬來西亞」的過程中,大眾媒體(例如廣告)扮演著重要的角色。本文透過對數個「一個馬來西亞」廣告個案的分析,探討這些廣告如何刻劃和再現「一個馬來西亞」,以及透過什麽樣的敘事策略來激發馬來西亞人民的認同。首先,本文所分析的馬來西亞電訊公司的國慶日廣告中,基本上是運用了「共同血緣」的迷思,來打造某種「家庭」或者「一家人」的模型,進而聚合多年來區隔分化的各族裔,激發人民對國家的認同。接著,本文再透過對三支引發文化和宗教爭議性的廣告的分析,以及政府和官方機構給予它們不同待遇的闡述,顯示出馬來西亞現今依然存在以馬來裔和伊斯蘭教為中心的政治與文化氛圍,再從中帶出纏繞着馬來西亞多年的政治族裔化問題,並不會因爲「一個馬來西亞」的認同建構,迎刃而解。在馬來裔和伊斯蘭教至上的文化權力氛圍中,「一個馬來西亞」的國族建構將會受到阻擾。


Malaysia new Prime Minister Najib A. Razak had spend a great amount of money and utilized great man power to promote his 1Malaysia concept, in order to construct a national identity for Malaysian and reduce the ethnics segregation problem facing by Malaysia. Mass media especially advertisements play an important role in the process of the construction of 1Malaysia. This essay focuses on several case studies of 1Malaysia advertisement, try to discuss how did these advertisements portrait and represent 1Malaysia and what kind of narrative strategy that used by these advertisements to generate the identification of Malaysian towards the nation. The first discussed Telekom Malaysia's Independent Day advertisements try to use the myth of ”blood relationship” to build up a model of ”one family” in order to unify the divided ethnics in Malaysia and generate Malaysian's identification towards the nation. Next, this essay will focus on the discussion on three other cultural and religious controversial advertisements in order to show that the construction of 1Malaysia is unable to reduce and settle the ethnics segregation issue that haunted Malaysia all these years. Under the Malay-centrism cultural environment of Malaysia, the construction of a national identity of 1Malaysia will be obstructed.


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陳敏萱(2014)。「新生」的 17 哩: 砂拉越客家華人新村的地方感與集體記憶〔碩士論文,國立交通大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6842/NCTU.2014.00409
