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Tumubao Campaign of the Ming Dynasty as an Example to Discuss the Strategic Forces Lead and Tactical Troops Command


公元1449年,蒙古瓦剌部寇邊,明朝英宗皇帝在太監王振慫恿下,倉猝率領五十餘萬大軍,御駕親征。大軍出長城,慢步西行至大同,未戰而退,瓦剌一路尾隨追擊,最後全殲明軍於土木堡附近,史稱「土木堡之戰」。本戰對明朝而言,是一場無準備、無必要、無計畫、無目標、無程序之盲目武裝行動;最後全軍覆沒,甚至連皇帝都被俘虜,幾乎撼動大明帝國國本,堪稱中國歷史上最荒謬、最無知、最兒戲、後果也最嚴重的一場「御駕親征作戰」。 通常,戰爭打不打?由國家決策者決定;但戰爭怎麼打?則是將帥之事。軍隊透過「指揮」遂行作戰,是國家授與將帥之神聖權責,不容侵犯;將帥依法對所屬軍隊行使之「統帥權」,也不容剝奪;否則軍隊即無戰力可言。本戰,英宗昏憒無能,不懂軍事,任令宦官王振胡作非為,侵犯戰場指揮官之「統帥權」,自己又對行軍、宿營、警戒、戰鬥等軍務毫無認識,更談不上最起碼的「狀況判斷」與「決心下達」概念;明朝在土木堡之戰敗,應是「無知」凌駕「專業」、軍隊「統帥權」受剝奪下的必然結果,但數十萬大軍就此葬送,則未免不值。


土木堡 御駕親征 瓦剌 也先 明英宗 太監王振


In 1449 A.D., Wala, a tribe from Mongolia, invaded Chinese border, and Yingzong, the Emperor of the Ming dynasty, at instigation of Wangzhen, a eunuch, personally led a troop of 500,000 soldiers precipitously to defend. Out of the Great Wall, the army meandered west to Datong, and then withdrew without fighting. Wala , following all the way, attacked, wiped out Ming's armed forces, and even captured the Emperor near Tumubao. This battle is called Tumubao Campaign. The country endorses the commander the right of the strategic forces lead and tactical troops command which is divine and can not be infringed. According to the law, the commander's such right must not be deprived of; otherwise the army can not fight without forces. In this campaign Yingzong himself knew nothing about military affairs and Wangzhen, the eunuch, did what he wanted willfully and, thus trespassed the right of the strategic forces lead and tactical troops command. Owing to the ignorance overriding profession and laymen leading adepts, as the result, the Ming's army was heavily defeated. It was not worthwhile that. hundreds of thousand soldiers were killed.


