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Shi Meiqiao the Travel in Superworld Poetry Searches Analyzes


施梅樵詩中常見引用遊仙相關人物爲典故,《捲濤閣詩草》收錄有〈小遊仙〉五組詩歌,另有〈夢遊仙〉組詩。是施氏《梅樵詩集》中僅見的大規模連章詩,顯得相當特殊。 梅樵身經殖民高壓統治,嚴格管控言論,往往動輒得咎。雖說傳統詩的寫作與活動受到官方特定意識下的鼓舞而蓬勃,然而詩壇同樣沒有獲得言論思想的豁免權。壓抑的時代更需要抒發的窗口。環境的無奈,渴求的希望,在現實中倍感無力,詩人往往只能寄情詩文。胸懷異議不吐不快者,有部分能義勇抗議,而大多還是隱晦諷寄,遊仙詩、詠物詩、豔詩等無關乎政治的主題,是文人兼顧漢學香火與明哲保身的安全選項。 遊仙詩的寫作,正是施梅樵的精神出口之一。詩人移情於想像的天地,宴樂於蓬萊,敞徉於月宮,建構仙境的遼闊美麗,周遊於才情兼富的仙家兒女,在天上有著不太陌生的人間樣貌,卻比人間完美溫馨許多。 當家國變色,世道崩亂,詩人藉遊仙重構理想世界,寄託對土地強烈的眷懷與期待,暗諷強權高壓;而詩人忘情於風月尋求暫時解脫,紅塵經驗藉遊仙而昇華美化,詩人也在其中慰藉了對自在遨遊,富足溫柔生活的深層渴望。


The Taiwan date governs time Lugang poet Shi Meiqiao (1870-1949), If you read the Shi Meiqiao collection of poems, you can always find something about the travel in Superworld. In his ”Volume Tao Chinese style pavilion Draft poem”, there are five poet 〈the minor travel in Superworld〉 and 〈the dream travel in Superworld〉. There are the only one extensive in succession, it is very special. Live in the time of colonialist power; he was non-freedom of speech. The writing situation of traditional poetry was encouraging. But it was even the time of non-freedom of speech and think. Face the facts, bring Shi Meiqiao back to reality, The poet just can write poetry. He raised an objection, presented a protest, or had nothing to write with politics subject, such as the travel in superworld, express heart feelings by verse or song, and flowery. The course of action was safe and permanently. The writing of the Travel in Superworld poetry was the exits of his innermost being. Shi Meiqiao dreamed a place with broad prospects, dreamed a island with ease and comfort, dreamed to fly in the moon, dreamed to make friends with female celestial, and so on. The wonderland was more better than the true world. When his country was broken, his world was cuddliness, Shi Meiqiao reorder his utopia by the writing of the Travel in Superworld poetry. He had hope to repose his trust in land, squelch political power. The poet extricate himself, raising of life, and feed his capacity.



