  • 期刊


Study on the Practical Application of Modular Pattern in Design


模矩單元是工業體系中最常使用的標準規格,例如印刷尺寸、建築模矩或信用卡模矩等,然而從模矩單元所構成的模矩體系,不僅因應工業體系中的通用協定,更甚者因應經濟性、生產合理性、彈性面貌的變化以及嚴謹的美學比例等因素,使得模矩形成一種設計形式,能夠靈活地變化設計型態,並且具有強大的整合功能,能夠使環境產生秩序性。因此對於秩序性與設計開放性等兩大研究目的,發展基本設計形式,並因應產品類型的需求,發展出模矩形式的實務應用,結果發現模矩形式,一來在視覺上會因為相同的單元尺寸反覆發展、排列,形成“完形”(Gestalt), 而造成秩序化的集群,使環境有條不紊;二來可以利用不同數量的模矩單元,排列出不同的模矩體系;三來因為模矩單元尺寸相同,在銜接擴增上可避免空間的浪費;四則因為利用模矩單元可排列出不可思議的多樣性,因此延伸產品的生命週期及廣度。


模矩 設計形式 設計實務


Modular Element is the frequently used standard specification in Industrial System. The examples include printing sizes, building modular or the modular for Credit Card. Yet, the Modular System formed with Modular Elements is not only responding the common protocol in industrial system, but because of the economics, the production rationality, flexibility in change of, features and the aesthetic scales, the modular has become a design type, which can change design forms flexibly and the high possibility of integration enable the modular to generate order under the environment. For the two major purposes of study of order and openness in design, the study has developed basic design form and further developed modular practical application to meet with the needs in product categories. It is found that the modular types will form visual orderly groups through the repeat development and array of same element dimensions and comprised a Gestalt. This gives the environment neat and orderly phenomenon in the first place. Secondly, by using different numbers of modular element, it will be arranged to .different modular system. Thirdly, since the modular element has same dimensions, it offers to avoid waste of space due to flexibility in connection and expansion. Finally, since modular elements can be arranged into incredible variability, it virtually extends the life cycle and of products extensity.


modular design formation design practice
