  • 期刊


Applying Hospice Care Concepts on a Patient with Terminal Stage Esophageal Cancer: A Holistic Care Experience




The purpose of this article was to describe a nursing experience using hospice palliative care to relieve total suffering resulting from physical, psychological, social and spiritual aspects in a terminal patient with esophageal cancer from June 2 to July 2, 2009. Each aspect of problems was identified by means of direct participant care, interview, observation, empathetic communication and holistic assessment. Such included: (1) the physical aspect: distress caused by the respiratory disorder symptoms, pain, and difficulty swallowing; (2) the psychosocial aspect: faced the conflict between the pressure of stop using the targeted therapy and the economic burden of using the targeted therapy, the patient of the wife on the funeral of patient disposed of pressure; (3) spiritual aspect: pursuit of a sense of self-value of existence, and the meaning of suffering. For nursing problems to the nursing care, including in-depth to listen, to understand their needs, to give a individualized nursing interventions, the use of comfortable nursing care, actively assist the control of symptoms, family and medical team through consultation and dialogue, of targeted therapy of whether or not, to find an acceptable balance point. In the hospice philosophy of care, the patient began to actively take care of themselves, to accept the suffering of disease, show respect for life of courage, to make the case to achieve calm, peaceful, and without regret of the hospice. This nursing experience of holistic care may be shared for reference in future clinical nursing care.
