  • 期刊

大鱗梅氏鯿Metzia mesembrina (Jordan & Evermann, 1902)人工繁養殖及幼苗發育

Induced Spawning and Larval Development of the Large-scale Lesser Bream Metzia mesembrina (Jordan & Evermann, 1902)


大鱗梅氏鯿Metzia mesembrina (Jordan & Evermann, 1902),過去在台灣各地曾有不同之採集紀錄,然近數十年來僅在金門地區發現極少量野生族群,因此其復育必須儘快進行。本實驗利用人工催熟與自然產卵方式,進行繁殖與育苗試驗,以瞭解大鱗梅氏鯿之生殖習性、受精卵與魚苗發育過程,期望逐步建立大鱗梅氏鯿之繁殖與幼苗發育的基礎生物學資料,做爲基礎生物學資料應用、種原庫建立或自然環境中復育之基礎。大鱗梅氏鯿主要產卵於水生植物或石塊上,魚卵卵徑約1.3 mm,透明且光滑,沈性且帶黏性,在水溫22-24℃的環境中30-35 hr孵化,平均積溫值31.2 degree-days,初孵化魚苗全長約爲3.4 mm,孵出後第3天可開始攝食餌料,第4天觀察到感覺芽,第7天已觀察到背鰭與臀鰭逐漸發育,第17天腹鰭開始發育,第30天鱗片開始發育,第36天可清楚觀察到鱗片,此時幼魚外表形態類似於成魚。


The large-scale lesser bream Metzia mesembrina (Jordan & Evermann, 1902) is a small cyprinid fish native to Taiwan. Due to environmental deterioration resulted from water pollution, habitat destruction and introduction of exotic fishes, its population in Taiwan has been extinct. Only a small population still exists in the Kin-Men Island. For the conservation of this endangered fish, we conducted its induced spawning in the laboratory with injection of a mixed solution of grounded pituitary glands from walking catfish (Enctkcu sp.) and LRH-A. We observed its spawning habit and examined its embryonic and larval developments at water temperatures of 22-24℃. Fertilized eggs had an average diameter of 1.3 mm. Larvae were hatched at 30-35 hours after spawning. Newly hatched yolk-sac larvae had total lengths at an average of 3.4 mm. The larvae started feeding on 3 DAH (days after hatching), sensory buds were observable on 4 DAH, and dorsal and anal fins emerged on 7 DAH, pelvic fins on 17 DAH, and scales on 30 DAH. Scales of larvae were clearly observable on 36 DAH and the appearance was similar to adult.
