  • 期刊


Classification of Changeable and Unchangeable Items in the "School of Names"


本文從縱的方面說明「彼」「此」等一直做中國古代名辯學變項,而且延續至今,現在有人認為「非此即彼」是形式邏輯研究的二值邏輯,而「亦此亦彼」是辯證邏輯研究的範疇;而且從橫的方面與希臘邏輯、印度因明比較,指出在邏輯初期都用自然語言作過變項。我國古代名辯學的變項多是使用代詞中的指示代詞,說它們是中國名辯學的變項,是因為它們與變項在以下幾方面相同:一、所處的位置相同。二、含義都是不確定的,都具有可變性。三、都可替代人或事物。四、都是為了「辯明同異」與表示相同相異。五、在用自然語言作變項上是相同的。但是「彼」、「此」等易與自然語言相混,所以只能屬於初級變項。 本文不但指出中國名辯學有變項,而且肯定有常項。現代邏輯復合命題中的等值、合取、析取、蘊涵、否定五個常項(即命題聯結項)在中國名辯學的著作中都使用過,「彼」、「此」這些代詞用常項聯結起來又反證它們是作為變項而存在的。因此可偶說不使用西方符號不等於沒有變項,和自然語言結合不等於沒有形式。


變項 名辯學 常項 墨經 代詞 連詞 命題形式 非此即彼


This article would like to explore the notions of ”bi” (彼) and ”ci” (此) as changeable items in the ancient Chinese philosophy exemplified in the ”School of Names”. In modern times, ”if not A, then B”(非彼即此)is taken as formal logic and ”Both A and B”(亦此亦彼)is a category of dialectical logic. From another perspective, in comparing Greek logic with Indian ”Yin-Ming”(因明 ), it could be contended that early logical systems employed natural language. In the ancient Chinese philosophical ”School of Names”, changeable items used demonstrative pronouns to express pronouns. They had the following characteristics: a.) The Same position in a sentence. b.) Uncertain connotations, changeable characteristics. c.) Could represent people or things. d.) Could distinguish and show similarity or difference. e.) Could show similarity or difference when using natural language. This article not only points out the changeable items in the ”School of Names”, but also confirms its constant items. Modern logic has united equality, combination, analysis, implication and negation within a proposition. The ”School of Names” in ancient China did all this before. ”Bi” and ”Ci” were used as counter-evidence in going through changeable items to reach the unchangeable ones. In summation, I would like to contend that not using western logical symbols is not tantamount to absence of changeable items and that the synthesis of natural language does not equate to the absence of a formal logic.
