  • 期刊


On the Possible Aspects Whereby "Wang Yang-ming's Moral Philosophy" and "Natural Moral Law" Assimilate with One Another




The substance of Wang Yang-ming's moral philosophy stresses more than anything the development of the original power of practice, that is, the researchers have to find the metaphysical background of Wang's philosophy so as to sort out the different levels of many divergent concepts (to unify the framework of his statements) and place these concepts in their appropriate and correct existential locations; otherwise, the practice of his moral philosophy wouldn't have much effect. ”Natural Moral Law,” as the orthodoxy of traditional Western moral doctrine, doubtlessly has explored and built the major structure of Western moral philosophy, in the meantime, the orientation toward rational capability in this philosophy makes one reasonably relate, through such a philosophical design, human beings' ”finite reason” to their pursuit of ”infinite perfection.” Regarding their respective important statuses in Eastern and Western philosophies, this paper is intended to analyze and sort out their theoretical features and constructive veins in wishes to achieve two goals: first, to stress the latent content and metaphysical backgrounds of these moral theories; and second, through the methodological perspective, to provide the fundamental attitudes, methodological consciousness and reasonable aspects whereby these two doctrines assimilate.
