  • 期刊


Semiotics as a Connection between Language and Society


符號以及符號系統乃根植於社會原則之中,皮耳士(C. S. Peirce)以此取向,開啓了他的符號學理論。而在歐陸的傳統中,索緒爾(F. de Saussure)也將符號生活放入社會生活之中來研究,並以此與皮耳士一同被認為是當代符號學的創始人。本文首先在符號學家艾寇(U. Eco)對兩者的反省下,討論語言符號的社會約定俗成性與結構性,並且在艾寇所提出的符號學領域中,這些性質如何進一步地被當作一個文化科學的根本原則。其次,這些思考取向的發展,在本文中也與社會學的發展(在本文中主要為E. Husserl、A. Schütz、T. Luckmann、J. Habermas、A. Giddens)有一個邏輯上的聯結與比較。相對於在這個社會學中關於語言符號的討論,符號學有其自己的方法論取向,並且對於語言符號本身的特性與分類,有一較清楚的解釋。


社會 語言 符號學 符號 皮耳士 索緒爾 結構 分化


Symbols and symbol systems as a basis of sociological principles was first revealed in C. S. Pierce's theory of semiotics. F. de Saussure has also incorporated semiotics in his studies of traditional European society. Thus, he along with Pierce are considered the founders of modern symbology. This article intends to initially use the semiologist U. Eco's reflections on the above two pioneers in discussing sociological language symbol's conventions and structure. I would especially like to examine how we could employ Eco's ”realm of semotics” in advancing a basis for a ”scientific culture.” Secondly, this art ide would like to examine the logical link between semiotics and sociology and make a comparison. (The main thinkers examined will be E. Husserl, A. Shutz, T. Luckmann, J. Habermas and A. Giddeons.) I will also discuss the relevance of language symbols in the above sociological theories. Semiotics has its own metho dologies, this article would like to explain a bit clearly the special characteristics of semiotics and its differences with language symbols.


Language Semiotics Symbol C. S. Pierce F. de Saussure Structure Difference


周文鵬(2014)。圖像載體的敘事與接受 ── 論臺灣漫畫文學的形成及創作〔博士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2014.00770
