  • 期刊


John Locke and Natural Law


自然律(natural law)一概念在西方向為道德哲學和法律理論的基礎。古希臘辯士(the Sophists)曾提出nomos (law, norm)的概念,用以指稱社會共約(conventions)。而斯多噶學派(the Stoics)則最早提出自然律的概念,作為宇宙理性展示的法則。自是,自然律在西方哲學便成為社會正義和道德倫理的規準。到了中世紀,自然律的概念和基督教神學相結合,成為上帝賦予人的理性之光,是自人性衍生而出的普遍法則。迨近世西方政治哲學萌發之後,自然律又與自然權利(natural right)、社會契約(social contract)等學說結合,成為現代民主政治重要的理論基礎。其中洛克(John Locke, 1632-1704)的自然律學說,既繼承了傳統的理念,又以經驗論的立場給予全新的解釋,對現代民主政治理論有獨到的貢獻。本文以自然律說的歷史演變為背景,根據洛克早年有關自然律的論文,Essays on The Law Nature (1676),深入探討其學說,以其瞭解洛克自然律學說的特色及其在道德哲學與政治理論上的貢獻。


The concept of natural law has long been regarded as the foundation of moral and legal principles in Western philosophical thought. As early as in the ancient Greece the idea of nomos or law, which indicates the social conventions formed according to the agreement made by social members, was proposed by the Sophists. But the concept of nomos only appeals to social and man-made law s and is in opposition to the concept of ”nature” or physis. It was the Stoic who first introduced the concept of ”natural law” as necessary principle of nature exhibiting cosmic reason and made it the foundation of social justice and morality. And ever since then, there is natural law moral theory. In the Medieval Ages, natural law moral theory became closely associated with Christian theology. According to Aquinas, moral law is derived from the rational nature of human being which is endowed by God. Till the dawn of modern times, the doctrine of natural law was adopted by political philosophers, such as Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, as the guarantee of natural right and the foundation of civil government and social contract, it then became the cornerstone of modem political theory of democracy. The present paper is attempt to investigate the doctrine of natural law in Locke's early philosophical work, Essays on The Law of Nature, that provided an empiricist version for our knowledge of the law of nature.


Locke John natural law moral theory St. Thomas Aquinas Hobbes Thomas empiricism innatism



