  • 期刊


Thomas Aquinas on the Nature of Habits




Based on the existing research, this paper is intended to explore further the concept of ”habits,” which is the foundation of ”virtue” in Thomas Aquinas's virtue ethics. Such a theme is largely found in Part Ⅰ, Summa Theologica Ⅱ, from Question 49 to Question 89. Aquinas approaches this concept both in ”general” (Question 49 to Question 54) and in ”particular” (Question 55 to Question 89). And the general aspects are divided into the nature of habits (Question 49), the subject of habits (Question 50), the cause of habits (Question 51 to Question 53) and the distinction of habits (Question 54), while the particular aspects are mainly explored in terms of ”good habits as virtue” (Question 55 to Question 70) and ”bad habits as sin” (Question 71 to Question 89). This article is intended to explore Aquinas's ”nature of habits” in general and contrast it with the idea of ”habits” in Chinese philosophy. And the preliminary conclusion is: the content Aquinas's concept of ”habits” is much more well-rounded than Aristotle's, referring not only to the inclination and state of the substance but also to the result and act of human beings' acts of reason and will. Due to the cultural differences between Chinese and western philosophies, the presentations and treatments of the issue of ”habits” by philosophers from both sides are extremely distinct from one another.

