  • 期刊


Physical Reality-A Phenomenological Approach


本文原為賴醉葉教授於一九九四年三月十二日至二十七日於輔仁大學哲學系講授「科學哲學」專題課程時的演講稿之一,如今由沈清松教授譯為中文以饗讀者。 講詞中,賴醉葉教授從現象學的途徑探索並重建「實在」概念形成的思想過程,並特別從物理學理論方面來考量此一問題,認為物理學的新穎性所在,是要在理論表象之中整合超驗的論述,因而不同於一般概念性的理論論述。對他而言,物理學的理論雖然使用純粹抽象的語詞,但仍給出物理實在的具體呈現,試圖用純屬理想的論述,體現世界開顯的場域中實際發生之事。也因此他最終提議,物理學可以詮釋為是一種現象學企畫的體現,且以其理論表象整合超驗論述,以給出物理實在的具現。


This is a speech on physical reality delivered by Jean Ladrière in a series of talks related to philosophy of science during his visit to the Department of Philosophy, Fu Jen Catholic University from March 12 to March 27, 1994. Here it is translated into Chinese by Prof. Vincent Shen to exemplify an aspect of his philosophy. This paper attempts to reconstitute the process of thought by which the concept of reality is constructed and to consider it under the perspective of physics. For Jean Ladrière, the originality of physics is to integrate the transcendental discourse into its theoretical representation. All in using abstract terms, physical theories show us what happens effectively in the field of world manifestation. He would suggest that physics can be interpreted as a phenomenological project to make effective physical reality by integrating a transcendental discourse into its theoretical representation.