  • 期刊


Bending Stiffness of Modified stressed-skin Panels (Ⅰ)



實心及空心厚板在家具製造及室內裝潢廣被使用,但各有其優缺點。若包括縱樑及橫檔於空心板之中空部份,則其結構類似用於建材之應力表層板,這種改良應力表層板兼具實心及空心厚板之優點,本研究目的在從理論及試驗上來探討T型樑及工字樑之靜曲表現,研究結果,將為復繼改良應力表層板研究之基礎,試驗之影響因子包括表、底、心層之厚度,理論推導則採橫斷面轉換法,以表、底、心層之彈性係數推測T型樑及工字樑之彈性係數。 研究結果發現由薄表層合板及厚心層木條組成之T型樑,具最佳靜曲強度;工字樑測試中,則以心層木條愈厚者,強度愈佳;且彈性係數與破壞係數相關性良好。理論預測結果顯示,T型樑之預測彈性係數值,均較試驗值為低;工字樑之彈性係數預測,以表、底層合板同厚者,效果最佳。


Two types of thick panels, solid-core and spaced-core, are used intensively in furniture nod interior decorating. Bath panels bane their disadvantages. A panel with better stiffness is therefore constructed by including stringers and blockings in the center void of spaced-core panels. These modified panels, which are similar to the stressed-skin panel used in construction, are inexpensive, light, and strong. Both experimental and theoretical analyses on bending stiffness of T-beam and I-brain are included in this study, which will provide the basis for subsequent study on the bending stiffness of modified stressed-skin panel. Factors affecting the bending behavior of T-beam and I-beam are the thickness of surface, renter, and bottom layers of the constructed beams. The method of transformed cram section was used in theoretically estimating the MOE of beams. This study shows that T-beams, constructed with thin plywood as surf are layer and thick solid wood strip as crater layer, have the best bending strength. In the I-beam test, a goad correlation was found to present between MOE and MOR. Theoretical analysis shows that a underestimated MOE in T-beam tests, and that best estimations wore shown in I-beams with the same thickness of surface and bottom layer.
