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Morantel tartrate防治松材線蟲萎凋病效果之評估

Appraisal of Morantel Tartrate for Controlling Pine Wilt Disease



於1996年12月至1997年l月間,分別在台灣北部的金山、內湖、四堵和淡水四個地點,進行樹幹灌注系統性殺線蟲劑的試驗,以評估藥劑對松材線蟲萎凋病的防治效果。試驗採完全逢機設計,每一試驗區包括20棵松樹,10棵灌注藥劑當為處理組,另10棵不灌注藥劑當為對照組。這些松樹皆經流脂診斷法確定未遭松材線蟲(Bursaphelenchus xylophilus)感染,處理組的松樹,每棵以氣體加壓方式,將12.5% Morantel tartrate灌注入樹幹,藥劑用量依樹之胸徑大小而定,對照組則未做任何處理。藥劑灌注三個月後,於1997年5月間將人工培養的松材線蟲接種到所有供試松樹,每棵松樹以鑽孔接種法接種三萬隻松材線蟲。接種後,病徵於6月間開始陸續出現,經過167天後,以藥劑保護的松樹在上述四個試驗地點,其發病率分別為10%、20%、20%和10%,罹病程度則為2%、14%、8%和l%;而未處理組的松樹,其發病率分別為90%、100%、80%和100%,罹病程度則為90%、94%、34%和100%,試驗結果顯示12.5% Morantel tartrate具有良好的保護效果,不僅降低松材線蟲萎凋病的發病率,也可延緩病勢的進展。


Trunk injection of 12.5% Morantel tartrate for controlling pine wilt disease was conducted at Chinshan, Neihu, Syhdu, and Tanshui in northern Taiwan. Twenty healthy pine trees with trunk diameters ranging from 5 to 40 cm and exhibiting normal oleoresin exudation were selected for the inoculation test. Ten trees were injected with 12.5% of the chemical Morantel tartrate during Dec. 1996 and Jan. 1997 according to the protocol of the manufacture; another 10 pine trees were used as controls. Three months (May 1997) after trunk injection, all trees at 4 locations were artificially inoculated with 30,000 pinewood nematodes (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) each. Symptoms of pine wilt were first observed 28 days after inoculation; the disease progressed rapidly from June to Sep. 1997, and reached a stationary phase in Nov. 1997. Chemical protection efficacy was evaluated 167 days after inoculation. For chemical-treated trees, disease incidences at Chinshan, Neihu, Syhdu, and Tanshui were 10%, 20%, 20%, and 10%, and disease seventies were 2%, 14%, 8%, and 1%, respectively. However, for non-treated controls, disease incidences were 90%, 100%, 80%, and 100%, and disease severities were 90%, 94%, 34%, and 100%, respectively. Our results demonstrate that Morantal tartrate not only decreases incidence of pine wilt, but also retards the disease progress.


