  • 期刊


The Growth and Wind-resistance of a Clonal Race of Casuarina junghuhniana Miq. in Taiwan



試驗樹種山木麻黃自泰國引入,以本省栽培之木麻黃為對照,在雲林內陸砂丘進行適應性造林試驗,另在臺北,及苗栗海岸栽培,以觀察其生長適應性。結果:成活率,山木麻黃(87.50%)最高,各樹種比較差異不顯著。生長量,山木麻黃 3 年生,平均樹高7.27m,胸徑6.39cm最高大。生長量山木麻黃與對照組比較,差異為顯著或不顯著。同為3年生,山木麻黃在元長及臺北者,生長甚好(平均樹高7.15-7.84m,胸徑6.26-6.45cm)。在苗栗大山、外埔者頗差(樹高2.03-2.17m,胸徑1.43-1.70cm)。山木麻黃 5 年生之生長量,由栽培臺北地區者觀察,平均樹高12.26m,胸徑12.07ccm,單株最大樹高,近15m,胸徑15cm。山木麻黃栽培地區,土壤之水分含量,臺北地區土壤田間含水量(22.08-25.53%)最高,元長6.89-8.45%)次之,苗栗大山、外埔(4.24-6.91%)甚低,由各地區之田間含水量與生長情形來看,顯示山木麻黃之生長與土壤水分之關係密切。星天牛為害,山木麻黃(32.80%)較木賊葉木麻黃(49.71%)為輕,受害率樹種之間比較差異不顯著,民國 75 年韋恩颱風風害,山木麻黃(67.20%)與木賊葉木麻黃(64, 18%)相近,二者之間比較差異不顯著。木麻黃之樹高與風害百分率呈極顯著之正相關,為樹高者受害程度重,矮者輕;風害百分率與胸徑之關係不顯著,山木麻黃樹幹之斷折高度與胸徑呈極顯著之正相關,即胸徑粗者抗力大,從樹幹高處斷折,小者從樹幹下端折斷;斷折高度與樹高之相關性不顯著。


山木麻黃 營養品系 生長 抗風力


In 1983 a small experimental plantation of casuarina was established in inland sand dune at Yuan-Chang, Yun-Lin, and some other districts of Taiwan. Treatments in this experiment were C. junghuhniana* and local casuarinas which were used as checks, i.e. C. equisetifolia, and selected casuarina No. 24 (No. 24) and No. 29. A randomi2ed block design was employed with five replications. Spacing of 1.5×2m was used. The planting density was 16 plants in a plot (48m^2.) equivalent to 2,500~3,500/ha^(-1). Survival, growth and wind-damage were measured and investigated. The results are summarized as follows: Survival in the third year were ranging from 76.7~87.5%, which showed no significant difference among the four casuarinas, that the species C. junghuhniana had a highest survival percentage. The growth of three-year-old plantation at Yuan-Chang, showed that there was highly significant difference of C. junghuhniana and No. 24 in comparison with No. 26 in both DBH and height growth, but no significant difference was found among C. junghuhniana, No. 24 and C. equisetifolia in the two features. The growth, C. junghuhniana was the leading. The growth in the third year at different locations showed a great difference, that Yuan-Chang and Tai-Pei were better, and Ta-Shan and Wai-P'u, poor. And the growth of C. Junghuhniana in a 5-year-old plot in Tai-Pei, trees have reached a mean height of 12.5m. and DBH of 12.3cm., with the luxuriantly growing one having attained height of more than 15m. and DBH of 15cm. Wind damage from Typhoon Wayne in 1986, shown significant difference among casuarina species. That the species of C. junghuhniana had a higher percentage of damage. The relationship between stem height and wind damage, shown a significant positive correlation. This indicates that the higher the stem, the more severe the tree is damaged. In this experiment, C. junghuhniana was taller than other casuarinas. Therefore it had a higher percentage of wind damage. C. junghuhniana is a fastgrown tree species. It grows well in the districts of Tai-pei and yuan-chang but at the coast areas of Ta-Shan and Wei-p'u, wlere it is poor in growth. Thus it may be a promising tree species for ornament on farms, but not Suitable for the use to wind breaks.


