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A Study on the Origins of the Military Resistance in the Third Reich


自納粹黨掌握政權以來,希特勒在一年半的時間裹就完成了全國一體化,連國防軍都必須對他個人宣示效忠。這樣做的功能之一自然是對國內外都營造出一種所謂的全民意志,顯示出團結一致的景象。但事實上並非如納粹宣傳機器所宣稱,德國人民都毫不保留地擁護希特勒及納粹政府。相反地,自第三帝國成立以來,各類的反抗運動從未間斷,反抗團體的形成也是此起彼落,比較具規模的有左翼政黨的反抗活動、兩大基督教會的反抗活動、青年團體的反抗運動、菁英階層的反抗運動如克萊稍團體(Der Kreisauer Kreis)及歌德勒團體(Die Goerdeler Gruppe)以及軍中及文官團體系內所形成及進行的反抗運動。 在諸多反抗運動中真正有機會或可能去結束納粹政權者,就只有軍中所形成的反抗陣營,而軍官團中決心違反軍人紀律而從事反抗運動者,並非是為了進行軍事奪權,而是憂心國家民族的前途。因此軍中反抗運動一直都有文官體系及民間反抗團體的人士參與,以為後希特勒時代建構一個合乎人性尊嚴的國家體制。 本文試圖探討軍中及文官體系內為甚麼會形成反抗陣營,而這樣一個由戰前就形成的反抗陣營為甚麼能持續地運作以及面臨了那些困難,為甚麼計畫中的政變行動始終未能付諸執行?又1944年7月20日由史濤芬柏格(Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg)所主導的暗殺及政變行動雖造成 T 德國乃至於整個西方世界的震撼,但是犧牲極大,且盟軍已在諾曼第登陸,納粹政權實已面臨崩潰,對反抗陣營而言,再進行政變的意義為何。由於1944年7月20日是軍中反抗陣營將反抗計畫付諸行動唯一的一次,因此本文也以較多的篇幅來加以探討。


After the National-Socialist Party took over the power, Hitler accomplished the policy of Gleichschaltung (elimination of opponents) within a period of about one and a half years, even the army had to swear an oath to Hitler personally. One of the aims of these actions was to create a kind of so-called national will and indicated an image of solidarity of the whole German people. But in reality, things were not like what the Nazi propaganda machine declared that all German people supported Hitler and the Nazi-regime without any reservation. On the contrary, there were a number of dissent groups including the left parties, the organized young people, the Christian church and the élite of the society like the Kreisau Circle and the Goederler Group as well as some resistant groups within the armed forces and the civil bureaucracy. Among these anti-Nazi groups, only the military resistant front could have the possibility to end the Nazi-government. The military officers who decided to take part in anti-Nazi movement were not simply for a coups d'état, but because of their concern for the fate of the German nation. Therefore the anti-Nazi movement in the army gained not only the support of the opposition members of the civil bureaucracy, but also won the support from different social groups, they worked hand in hand in order to design a new state in a post-Hitler age. The purpose of this research was to investigate why the opposition front was constituted in the armed forces and in the civil bureaucracy and how the anti-Nazi movement which was already formed before the Second World War could work continuously and what kind of difficulties it had confronted. The opposition front had even made many plans to overthrow the Nazi-government, but why their plans could not put into action until July 20(superscript th) 1944. Finally, although the failed coups d'état and assassination on July 20(superscript th) 1944 guided by colonel Stauffenberg caused great attention in Germany and the western world, but it cost greatly. The question is what the meaning for the opposition front to carry out the plans could be, when the allied forces were already landed in Normandy and the Nazi-government could be collapsed in any time. Since the coups d'état and assassination on July 20(superscript th) 1944 was the only action which the military opposition front carried out their plans, this present study about this topic will be in more detail.


