  • 期刊


Influence of a Newly Established Hospital on Emergercy Service in Community Hospitals


背景及目的:本研究主要目的為探討新設立醫院成立後對於鄰近地區醫院急診服務產生之影響,包括地區醫院急診病人的特質與醫療市場之變化,是否與新設立醫院有相關。 方法:本研究以鄰近三家醫院(以下簡稱「A醫院」、「B醫院」、「C醫院」)急診就醫紀錄之次級資料,分析新醫院設立前、後,同一季節(92年11月至93年1月,以及93年11月至94年1月)共計6個月急診人次及疾病嚴重度的變化程度。 結果:研究發現,由於A醫院之急診病人來源全都在新醫院的主要市場範圍內,所以急診人次降低了16.69%,其中更以『燕巢鄉』的降低幅度60.00%最大,並以『內科』降幅較『外科』明顯,不過在檢傷一級的病人比率則有提高趨勢。而B、C兩家醫院以三個月的總量來看,整體而言急診人次並未減少,然而在B醫院病人來源的分析上卻可發現新醫院所在鄉鎮(燕巢)的病人明顯減少(-44.34%)。 討論:因此新醫院成立後對於三家鄰近醫院以A醫院受到直接的影響,建議A醫院設定出與新醫院有所差異的市場區隔及加強自我特色,並由照護品質及服務品質強化市場競爭力。


Background and Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of a new establishment hospital for neighbor community hospitals, which included the background of visitors and the change of medical market. Whether the change of medical market among community hospitals was related to a new establishment hospital. Materials and Methods: The study was collected the number of patient visits to the hospital emergency department from three community hospitals, hospital A, hospital B and hospital C, that next to the new establishment hospital. The number of patient visits and their medical records was calculated and analyzed for six months, from December 2003 to January 2004 (before a new hospital establishment) and from November 2004 to January 2005 (after a new hospital establishment). Results: Findings indicated that the number of emergency patient visits in hospital A was reduced 16.69% because of the major medical market of hospital A came from the new establishment hospital. In the other hand, the medical market on both of hospital A and the new establishment hospital has been overlapped. Especially, One of overlapping medical market, Kaohsiung county Yanchao township, the number of patient visits was dramatic declined 60%, and the number of medical patient visits were more significant drop than those of surgical patient. However, the number of patient visits in hospital B and hospital C during 3 months, after a new hospital establishment, also been influenced but degree of impact less than hospital A. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is a new establishment hospital was influences the medical market for three neighbor community hospitals, especially hospital A. To setup special characteristic and improve health service quality might a good suggestion for hospital A to get better marketing competition.
