  • 期刊


The Drug Abuse Conviction of Heroin Addicts in Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program


藥物成癮是目前全世界的疾病,影響所及,不僅危害個人健康、拖累家庭、更提高犯罪率與失業率,並嚴重影響社會生產力、國外研究顯示不當之藥物濫用信念為藥癮者從初期接觸毒品進而成為毒品依賴者之關鍵因素,故國內海洛因之戒癮除美沙冬替代療法之生物治療面向持續進行外,於治療過程亦應詳細檢視個案之藥物濫用信念並進行輔導,進而增加個案對於戒癮藥物之自覺能力,始能維持戒癮成效並期降低再使用率。 本文利用已被研究之藥物濫用信念為評估,探討一位接受美沙冬替代療法之海洛因成癮者成功戒癮的案例其藥物濫用信念的變化。治療者於療程中藉由與個案會談評估個案之藥物濫用非理性信念包括「自貶依毒」、「低估毒癮」、「效果期待」等,上述非理性信念於療程中經生物、心理及家庭層面之全面性治療計劃介入復,可獲明顯改變,並成功協助個案完成海洛因戒癮。


Dug abuse was a worldwide disease which not merely made hurts to health, increased burdens of family, increased crime rate and unemployment rates, but also reduced the productivity of society. Some foreign studies showed irrational drug abuse conviction was the key factor which was associated with the changes from new drug users to drug addicts. Besides the biological aspects of methadone maintenance treatment, we should evaluate and correct the irrational drug abuse conviction of drug addicts and enhance the self-awareness of abstinence of drug. The treatment goal was to keep the maintenance of abstinence and reduce the relapse rates. We used the well-evaluated drug abuse conviction in some published papers and reported the changes of conviction of a heroin addict who quit heroin successfully in the methadone maintenance treatment. The therapist evaluated the patient's irrational drug abuse conviction including self-devaluation and dependence on drug, underestimating the drug abuse problems, anticipating the effectiveness of drug. Above irrational conviction had prominent changes through the intervention of bio-psycho-social model which help the patient to solve the heroin dependence.


