  • 期刊


The Knowledge and Viewpoint of Public Health Nurses for the National Health Insurance (NHI) Program


本研究目的在瞭解公共衛生(以下簡稱公衛)護士在全民健保(以下簡稱健保)實施前,對健保的認識與看法(包括造成程度、認爲對公衛護理業務的影響和建議採取之因應措施);以及影響其認識與看法的因素。研究對象爲以隨機抽樣法抽出之293名公衛護士,採郵寄耘 收集資料。以spss/pc+6.0之頻數、百分比、平均值、標准差、卡方檢定、單因數變異數分析等進行統計分析。結果如下:公衛護士對六十五歲以上成人享有預防保健之次數認識最正確;果除能不正確的是:84年4月1日實施後,免自行負擔之醫療項目。依各單一變項與公衛護士對健保認識之關係,可看出羣醫型衛生所對健保認識較一般型爲正確。態度方面:48.8%公衛護士贊成實施健保,22.1%不贊成。山地型衛生所護士對實施健保贊成度最高(64.4%),而都市型衛生所最低(34.4%)。健保實施後,對公衛護理業務之預期影響爲:58.4%的公衛護士認爲實施健保會對公衛護理造成影響,且負面影響多於正面的影響,另22.2%的受試者認爲沒有影響,原因是政策不明,無法判斷。而公衛護士對健保實施的因應意見,則可涵蓋政府、政策制度與個人等方面,其中最多的意見是希望開辦全民健保課程講習。


The primary purpose of this study focused on knowledge of and expectations for the National Health Insurance (NHI) program among public health nurses. A mailed questionnaire was used to collect data. A total of 293 nurses completed the questionnaire. Data analysis was performed on a personal computer with SPSS/PC + 6.0. The results indicated the following: in knowledge of NHI, the highest average score was for “individuals aged 65 and over are eligible for annual checkups”, and the lowest average score was for “selecting items which will be covered by NHI” One-way ANOVA was used to analyze the relationships of knowledge and various independent variables. The results revealed that nurses from general type health station had more accurate knowledge of NHI than those from group practice type. There were 48.8% of the nurses in favour of NHI; but 22.1% of the nurses were against it. Nurses from rural type health stations were more in favour of NHI than those from urban type. 58.4% of the nurses expected impact of NHI and workload change on public health nursing.
