  • 期刊

The Rewriting Strategy and the Status of the Translator in the Translation of Jan. Morris' "Conundrum"



日臻出版社在1995年出版了中國文學家郁達夫之子-郁飛所翻譯的珍‧莫里斯(Jan Morris)的回憶錄“Conundrum”(1974)。郁飛身處之時空背景、社會文化脈絡、其特殊身分與文革勞改之經歷,讓他在翻譯Jan Morris' “Conundrum”時採取了大膽、直接、批判甚至改寫之翻譯策略。“Conundrum”記錄了Jan Morris由男變女的整個跨性過程,其間包括生理上的手術、復健和心理、情感層面上的掙扎與適應問題。這本回憶錄在1974初版,2002再版(這兩個版本的不同只差別在莫里斯重寫了作者序言部分)。而郁飛翻譯的是1974的版本。郁飛之翻譯改寫以幾近不同的面貌再現了原文。正如勒菲弗爾(Lefevere)主張在翻譯的過程中,如果語言方面的考慮與譯者的意識形態有所衝突時,後者往往占上風。珍‧莫里斯/郁飛、自傳原作者/他人自傳的譯者、跨性戀者/異性戀者,這諸多層次的局內/局外(outsider/insider)所建構出的複雜「位置」、視野及意識形態成就了原作與譯作截然不同的風貌。翻譯改寫策略讓我們重新思考翻譯忠實性之問題;而改寫過後大相逕庭之譯文也凸顯和顛覆了原文/譯文、原作者/譯者之間長久以來被視為理所當然的從屬關係。譯作再現了原作(而非複製),同時也再現了譯者自己。本文將試圖以勒菲弗爾(Lefevere)之《翻譯、改寫以及對文學名聲的操控》(Translation, Rewriting, and the Manipulation of Literary Fame)和班雅明(Benjamin)之〈譯者天職〉 (“The Task of the Translator”)的一些觀點作為理論框架,來探討郁飛之翻譯改寫策略,及其投射出來的相關議題,如:翻譯忠實性及譯者(譯文)地位。


跨性別 改寫策略 意識形態 再現


In 1995, Yu-fei translated Jan Morris' ”Conundrum”, a memoir that depicts Morris' transsexual treatments, surgeries, physical rehabilitation, mental, emotional struggle and adaptation. Unlike Jan Morris, Yu-fei lived in a different socio-cultural context that was conditioned by China's cultural evolution, and therefore his writing style, reflected in his translation, is quite direct, bold, critical through adaptation of the original message. Yu-fei's Chinese translation, based on the 1974 version of Conundrum, carries a different outlook from the source text, meeting Lefevere's concept of ”translation as rewriting” and supporting the claim that the ideology of the translator prevails when it comes into conflict with language considerations. In factuality, Yu-fei's translation, that reveals a particular position, view and ideology, is differentiated from the source text as the result of the distinctive differences between author/transsexual/insider and translator/heterosexual/ outsider.Yu-fei's rewriting strategy pushes us to reconsider the problem of translation fidelity. Furthermore, the well-established, taken-for-granted master/slave relationship between the original work and the translated works is subject to deconstruction. It is noted that the translated work represents (not to copy) not only the original work but also the translator him/herself. Using some basic concepts extracted from Lefevere's Translation, Rewriting, and the Manipulation of Literary Fame and Benjamin's ”The Task of the Translator” as the theoretical framework, this research investigates how Yu-fei rewrites/adapts the source text, and simultaneously discusses the relevant, twin issues of translation fidelity and the status of the translator.


江靜玲。〈他變她 她們是姊妹也是伴侶〉。《中國時報》。2008年6月15日。http://blog.chinatimes.com/essay/archive/2008/06/15/288327.html。
