  • 期刊


How to Cultivate an Athlete's Mental Readiness upon the Theory of Constructive Failure



運動員要達到完美良好的成績表現,與心理能力、技術能力和身體能力三個因素息息相關,隨著訓練的科學化與競賽的激烈化,運動員在身體能力的訓練,幾乎已達到人類生理極限,在運動技術的訓練也已達到穩定熟練的狀況,只有在運動員的心理訓練與能力的提昇,是屬於一可開發之研究領域。研究提出奧林匹克決賽階段的運動員,其中也只有心理狀態(mental readiness)達到統計上的顯著差異,亦印證了此一論點,由此可知運動員的心理狀態,往往是決定比賽勝負的關鍵。 本文以建設性失敗理論爲依據,探討如何提昇運動員的心理素質。首先探討建設性失敗理論的源由及觀點,其次分析相關研究,最後提出提昇運動員心理素質的具體作法,提供運動訓練之參考。


To make a performance perfect, an athlete has to pay attention to his physical fitness, physical skills, and psychological self Due to the development of scientifically proven training methods and the increase of fierce competition, most athletes are currently able to reach their physical ultimate, as far as physical training is concerned. Furthermore, because there has been more stabilization and common agreement in proper skill training, there is essentially only room for further research and improvement in the field of psychological preparation. This theory has been supported by studies indicating that athletes getting through to the finals in Olympic Competition show statistical differences in their mental readiness. The key to winning a competition, thus, relies centrally on the athlete's mental readiness. This study is aimed at discovering how an athlete can increase his mental readiness when encountering possible failure. In the study, the origin and concepts of the theory Constructive Failure are discussed, then related studies are analyzed and practical methods for improving an athlete's ability in dealing with failure will be proposed for general reference.


