

胸廓出口症候群(thoracic outlet syndrome,簡稱TOS)或神經叢血管受壓症,有許多其他不同的名稱。它可能是臂神經叢受到壓迫,也可能是鎖骨下動靜脈受到壓迫,或者二者兼併之混合症候群。由於這類手術可能發生嚴重的併發症,而且TOS本身的診斷與評估治療結果的方法仍不明確,因此至今在TOS的治療仍眾說紛紜。我們治療之方針是:1.臨床檢查;2.轉介病人給神經內科醫師做再確認;3.指導病人先接受保守療法;4.當保守療法無效時,則採用外科治療。關於治療這項疾病的手術方法,也不斷在改進。在TOS的手術,我們也做了一些改良:1.採用鎖骨上加鎖骨下的切口;2.同時做第一肋骨及前斜角肌之切除(如果合併有頸肋骨存在,則一併切除); 3.改用Kerrison rongeur來咬斷第一肋骨。本院從1993年1月到1994年12月二年內,共有12位病人接受此法治療(其中一人是兩側性),經平均2年2個月的追蹤,症狀改善率達50%。


Surgical treatment of thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) was full of controversies, high risks and severe complications. A safer and more effective technique is mandatory in the management of TOS. Since 1993, we have modified our surgical techniques. Combined anterior scalenectomy and near-total resection of first rib effectively decompress the brachial plexus and the subelavian vessels. Supra- and infraclavicular approach, through a small C-shape neck incision, offers a better surgical view of these structures. Kerrison rongeur, a long and slender instrument, enables one to perform more accurate and safer procedures when resecting the first rib. From January 1993 to December 1994, twelve patients received the modified techniques to treat TOS. They had at least one and a half year of follow-up. Ten of them got good to excellent result, one fair, and one poor. No surgical complications were resulted.
