

惡性黏液瘤屬於臨床病理診斷的範疇,約佔良性黏液瘤的3-5%;且最常發生在腮腺。它被認為可從良性黏液瘤而來,先前存在的良性黏液瘤,若持續十或十年以上其上皮部份就有惡性病變的可能。 我們提出一個右側腮腺巨大腫瘤的病人,此腫瘤存在有二十多年之久,並合併有面神經的牽扯。病人接受全腮腺切除、廣泛頸淋巴摘除及保留顏面神經。經病理證實為惡性黏液瘤,術後病人接受放射治療,追蹤四年來並無疾病復發,且面神經功能恢復良好。




Malignant mixed tumor is a clinical pathologic entity that has been described as a carcinoma arising in a benign mixed tumor. It makes up no more than 5% of the mixed tumor and most often appears in the parotid gland. The transformation of epithelial components within a preexisting mixed tumor becomes a possibility if the mixed tumor has been present for ten or more years. We report a case of huge malignant mixed tumor of the parotid gland whose facial nerve is also been stretched by this tumor for more than 20 years. patient underwent total parotidectomy and radical neck dissection with preservation of facial nerve. Permanent sections confirmed the diagnosis. Postoperative radiotherapy was attempted, but it was not completed. Patient is alive 4 years after surgery with normal facial nerve function and is free of disease.


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