  • 期刊

Intrauterine Growth of Twins in Taiwan



爲了解台灣地區雙胞胎在子宮內的生長狀況,我們回顧性地將省立桃園醫院自1980年1月1日間,所有活産雙胞胎新生兒的出生記録加以整理分析。在這十二年間共有21,348個活産兒,其中産胞通順有368對,而三胞胎則有18組。由此可求得雙胞胎佔有懷孕的百分之1.76,而三胞胎則爲千分之0.86雙胞胎的懷孕週數爲36.6±3.2週(自然産36.6±3.6週,剖腹産36.7±2.8週),衆數爲38週。若考量生産方式,第一胎的出生體重較第二胎爲重;但若考量生産方式,此差異在自然産時並不存在,只有在剖腹産時存在。男性雙胞胎的出生體重並不比女性雙胞胎爲重,不過,在不同性別的異卵雙胞胎中男性的體重生確實較女性爲重。雙胞胎的出生體生隨懷孕週數遞增,約在40週時逹到最高。若與單胞胎比較,雙胞胎的體重在33週以後逐漸偏離單 胎的體重,在37週以後則降至單胞胎的體重,在37週以後則降至單胞胎的第十百分比以下,也表示胎盤的功能已不敷使用。我們將出生體重對懷孕週數作圖,以爲讀者以後研究雙胞胎死亡率及罹病率的參考。


During the period between January 1, 1980 and December 31, 1991, there was a total of 21,348 live born neonates delivered in our hospital. Among them, there were 368 pairs of twins and 18 sets of triplets. The incidences of twin and triplet pregnancy were 1.76% (one pair in every 57.8 live deliveries) and 0.086% (one set in every 1,164 live deliveries), respectively. The mode of gestational age for all twins in this study was 36.6±3.2 weeks (36.6±3.6 weeks for vaginal delivery and 36.7±2.8 weeks for Cesarean section, respectively). Among twins delivered by cesarean section, the birth weight of the first born twin was significantly heavier than the second born twin; however, this difference was not observed for those twins delivered vaginally. Also, the birth weight between male and female was not significantly different. However, for those twin pairs of different sexes, the birth weight for the male twin was significantly heavier than the female co-twin. In those cases the mean birth weight increased steadily as the gestational age increased and plateaued at about the 40th week. Compared to the intrauterine growth curve of the Chinese singleton, the difference started from the 33rd gestational week and reached a significant level at about the 37th gestational week. This may indicate the incipient of the placental insufficiency for multiple pregnancies. The intrauterine growth curve for twin pregnancies may serve as guide for studying the mortality and morbidity of twins in the future.


