  • 期刊

Arteriovenous Malformation of the Mandible Presented as Massive Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Report of One Case



對於兒童的上消化道出血而言,動靜脈畸形是一個罕見的原因, 但是在兒童上消化道出血時,不應忽略動靜脈畸形這個鑑別診斷,因為如果缺乏適當的處置,動靜脈畸形持續出血會有致死的危險。這篇文章報告一個十歲大的男童,因大量吐血至接近休克的個案,最後血管攝影證實是一個下頷骨內的動靜脈畸形,並且利用栓塞的方式加以治療,此外,男童在住院期間被發現得到水痘。本文並整理了文獻中關於上下頷骨內動靜脈畸形的相關介紹及治療方式,其中栓塞合併手術切除是目前最建議的治療方式。


Arteriovenous malformation is an uncommon cause of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in children. It should be taken into consideration when a child has upper gastrointestinal bleeding because without proper management, it might be fatal. We report a 10-year-old boy whose initial presentation was massive hematemesis and impending shock. After angiography, arteriovenous malformation (AVM) of the mandible was found and treated with embolization. This 10-year-old boy also had chicken pox during admission. Case reports regarding AVM of dental arches in literature are reviewed and the proposed managements are summarized. Embolization combined with surgical excision might be the optimal way to manage AVM of dental arches.
