

結締組織增強性造釉細胞瘤為 1984年方被提出討論的一種造釉細胞瘤。經再次鏡視台中榮民總醫院自1982至2001年間60例造釉細胞瘤組織切片,發現其中只有兩病例的組織病理特徵符合結締組織增強性變體的診斷標準,佔所有造釉細胞瘤 3.3% (2/60)。發生於上、下顎各一個病例,皆呈現富而粗糙的膠原蛋白基質,並有非典型齒源性上皮細胞叢散佈其中,多數細胞叢中央含星狀細胞,周邊被一透明區或無細胞區所圍繞。兩病例的於射線影像檢查呈現全部或部份混合透射線/不透射線影像,相似於纖維性骨質病灶。本文就此獨特病灶相關之臨床、影像與組織病理檢查發現、及文獻回顧提出報告。


Desmoplastic ameloblastoma is a variant of ameloblastoma first described in 1984. The histopathologic features of 60 ameloblastomas diagnosed at Taichung Veterans General Hospital during years 1982-2001 were reviewed with special reference to the incidence of the desmoplastic variant. Only two cases fulfilled the criteria of a desmoplastic ameloblastoma, representing 3.3% (2/60) of all the intraosseous ameloblastomas. One of the rumor occurred in the mandible and the other located in the maxilla. Both cases contained abundant coarse collagenous stroma, and scattered islands and nests of atypical odontogenic epithelium with a surrounding acellular or hyalinized zone. Stellate cells within the central area of some of the neoplastic cell nests were observed. Radiographically, both cases exhibited a mixed radiolucent/radiopaque appearance with poorly defined borders, suggestive of fibro-osseous lesions. The clinical, radiographic, ad microscopic aspects of this unusual lesion are presented, and the relevant literature is reviewed.


Desmoplastic variant Ameloblastoma
