  • 期刊


A Survey on Orthodontic Patients' Attitudes Toward an Invisible Removable Aligner at National Taiwan University Hospital


透明活動式矯正器Invisalig®系統是Align Technology公司應用三維數位元元影像與電腦軟硬體的科技,為矯正患者量身訂作的一系列矯正裝置,以每次不超過0.25mm的幅度循序漸進地將牙齒移動至預期位置。相較於傳統矯正裝置, Invisalign®系統外型透明美觀,而且可降低異物感、避免刺激。腔粘膜、避免防礙口腔清潔維護;此一矯正裝置或許可以提升患者的治療意願,近年來發表的臨床報告也顯示Invisalign®系統可用於某些矯正患者。在商業廣告介入宣傳之際,矯正醫師似乎應該採取積極的因應態度,提供充足資訊並且導正錯誤觀念,期使牙醫界對透明活動式矯正器具備正確客觀的認知,避免浮濫使用或誤用。本研究感興趣的問題是國內民眾對此種透明活動式嬌正器的接受意願及認同度,尤其是矯正患者對此另類矯正方式的接受態度及影響接受意願的因素。本計畫以問卷調查方式探討矯正患者對於此透明活動式矯正器優缺點的認同程度,並分析影響患者接受意願的因素。問卷調查的受訪對象為隨機抽取之台大醫院齒顎矯正科患者87名。調查結果顯示受訪者認同“透明美觀”的比例最高,其次為“容易清潔口腔衛生”及“避免口腔黏膜受傷”,最後才是“可自行裝戴”。受訪者對透明活動式矯正器的最大疑慮是治療費用增加及治療時間增長。在不增加治療費用的前提下,如果以透明活動式矯正器先行整平齒列,再利用固定式矯正裝置進行細部調整,則有高達八成的受訪者認為上述作法“非常值得考慮”,認為“可有可無”的受訪者不及二成,相對而言,只有極少數比例確定地回答“沒有必要”。


Using the latest advances in 3-D computer graphic technology, the Invisalign® system can move teeth by a series of invisible, removable orthodontic aligners. Patients wear each set of custom-made appliances to move teeth gradually, until both the planned teeth alignment and occlusion are achieved. Herein we report on a survey study, which was designed to investigate the attitudes of potential and active orthodontic patients towards the invisible removable orthodontic aligner. After demonstrating 2 clinical cases through a personal computer without third party intervention to provide the basic and necessary information, the survey was undertaken using questionnaires individually given to 87 orthodontic patients in the Orthodontic Department of National Taiwan University Hospital. The principal conclusion was that patients' attitudes were generally positive, but the acceptance of this new treatment modality was not as high as we had expected. The advantages provided by the invisible removable orthodontic aligner were ranked in the order of ”transparent and esthetic”, ”easyfor hygiene care”, ”more comfortable”, and ”removable”. However, none of the listed characteristics of the invisible removable orthodontic aligner dominated the decisions of respondents to accept an invisible removable orthodontic aligner. Compared with conventional fixed appliance therapy, higher treatment fees and a probably longer treatment duration with the invisible removable orthodontic aligner were the major concerns of our patients who hesitated to accept treatment with the invisible removable orthodontic aligner.


