  • 期刊

Analyses of Studies Used Time Out as an Intervention for Individuals with Mental Retardation Who Exhibit Aggressive Behavior

隔離介入策略對智能障礙者 攻擊行爲的成效之研究分析


不少的研究探討隔離(time out)策略對智能障礙者的處理效果,可是只有少數的研究檢視隔離對智能障礙學童攻擊行為的實施成效。本文對12篇處理智能障礙學童攻擊行為的實徵性研究進行分析,使用未重疊百分比(PND)的方法來計算實驗處理的效果,並進一步地檢查這些研究如何處理觀察者信度、內在效度、使用隔離的時間、以及隔離的倫理問題。最後,則對未來的研究提出建議。


Many studies have been done to detect the effects of time out for individuals with mental retardation. But only a few studies have examined the effectiveness of time out as an intervention strategy for those with mental retardation who exhibit aggressive behavior. Currently, twelve empirical studies using time out on the treatment of aggressive behavior for students with mental retardation are reviewed. The review critically examined the effects of time out for such students. A percentage of nonoverlapping data (PND) method was used to analyze treatment effects in these studies. In addition, the analyses emphasized how research dealt with the reliable observation, internal validity, and ethical issues and durations of time out procedure. Finally, suggestions were made for future studies.


time out mental retardation aggressive behavior PND


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Clark, H. B.,Rowbury, T.,Baer, A. M.,Baer, D. M.(1973).Timeout as a punishing stimulus in continuous and intermittent schedules.Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.6,443-455.
Cooke, T. P.,Cooke, S.(1974).Behavior modification: Answer to some ethical issues.Psychology in the Schools.11(1),5-10.
Firestone, P.(1976).The effects and side effects of timeout on an aggressive nursery school child.Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry.6,79-81.
Fowler, S. A.,Johnson, M. R.,Whitman T. L.,Zukotynski, G.(1978).Teaching a parent in the home to train self-help skills and increase compliance in her profoundly retarded adult daughter.The American Association for the Education of the Severely/Profoundly Handicapped.3(3),151-161.
